What do i do with myself?

So im at the 3 day mark and i feel like it has been weeks. This is the first friday night that i didnt grab my vodka bottle from the cabinet…im really trying not to go make myself a drink. I feel like …what am i suppose to do? Im usually sitting outside with music and my drink. Now…im not so sure what to do with myself. Maybe just go to bed? I just dont know…:disappointed:


It’s definitely hard not to give in to old habits! I was the same way. I just try to keep my self occupied. Like watching a movie or talking on the phone. Don’t give up. You will be happy you made it threw another night.


Try grabbing a book or going to a discount theater. I find reading fiction really keeps me preoccupied. Weird reading but after a while you may look forward to it. I would recommend the book “The mists of avalon”


I’m sitting here wondering what to do with myself as well. Major cravings to get out of these 4 walls and give up… I’ve been writing (it’s a hobby) and now I’m going to watch Netflix and hopefully go to sleep. I changed my glass of wine when I got home to tea when I got home. Maybe you can substitute tea or a mock-tail as your new habit after work?


Thank you…ive never been a reader but i need healthier hobbies. So im going to try it!

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Throw out the alcohol:) so u dont need to look at it it will triggers you . Its hard in the weekends i do know that. Remember why you choose to try stay sober. Motivate yourself if you can . Maybe you should put some music on and dance, scream or something else. Be kind to yourself


Also, if you download the kindle app, and have a public library card you can checkout ebooks directly to your kindle app from the comfort of your home for free


Definitely get rid of the alcohol, I threw it all away, even a bottle of beer I had as decoration that I bought 17 years ago. I don’t want to even see it. I also unfollowed all the craft breweries on my Facebook. I live in the craft beer capital so it’s tough, I even have a brewery across the street from work. Find some other way to unwind. Disrupt your normal routine as much as possible.


Im not even 24 hours without a drink and asking that same question, but I figure this is what I’ll do… read and reply to posts of others who are further than me on their journey. Your doing a great job! In a few days I’ll be where you are… If I can make it through the day =)


Take good care of your inner Child, you should listen to that litle kid. I think thats important. Find some good music, watch a good movie for kids . Find that movie you loved as a kid, get some tea. Be strong stay sober . Think positive , this time of the year its the hardest for some People my toughts and prayers goes to them . Lets pray togheter