What do my friends really think

I woke up today with a wattsapp in my group chat, it was a meme pretty much saying when your in a club and someone looks at you in the wrong way it’s time to take me home… she had tagged me in it… horrible to think this is what people think of the drunk you, yet the sober you is the person they go to with every problem…. Another reason to carry on being sober I don’t want to be that person!


Yeah. I don’t really get what the meme is supposed to be about but I get it feels like an insult. Some of my friends also like to reference the drama queen I used to be when drunk… Let it be an inspiration to us not to go back out!


I havnt told them yet I’m getting sober… ohh it has just made me more determined to not be that person any more…. Hurts abit though knowing that’s what people must think of you …. To be fair I never fight with people… I’m not a fighter but people always joke I have a RBF :woman_shrugging:t3: Don’t know if that’s what she means …


I don’t think it’s so much about other people. I think you yourself are ashamed of what you think you’re like when you’re drunk. And fair enough. If you have a drinking problem you probably aren’t a charming tipsy daisy when hammered… I’m sure I wasn’t.
The person who matters in this is you, my friend. You’re embarrassed of yourself and it’s fresh in your memory. Use this shame. Revisit it when the urge and lull to drink comes again.
In the meanwhile, know you are better than that and work your hardest to build a life, day by day, habit by habit, that you enjoy without a drink and that you are proud of.
Your friends will send memes or not. It’s what’s the truth that matters. Are you a drunk or are you in recovery?

Good luck!


I think you’re right it is the shame…. I’m writing all these awful feelings down so if I get the urge I can revisit them and hopefully it will keep me on track…. Thank you x


Awesome project! This will aid you in your journey, good on you. :muscle:

I see you’re fairly new to the forum so I’ll add some links
Resources for Recovery

Mental health memes and discussion
And there’s also a daily check-in thread that is very popular. Use the :mag: to look for any subject that interests you. There’s so much knowledge on here. And like-minded folks who’ve been where you are at one point or many and can relate to what it’s like. :slight_smile:

I’m glad you are here Vicky! :rose: