What do you do to relieve stress and anxiety?

I got an iguana and he’s so amazing

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I call my bff I met in treatment, go for a drive, go to a meeting, talk to my sponsor, do crafts, play words2(scrabble), gardening, read or snuggle with my dachshund!

Good job on sobriety! For me my anxiety relief has been hiking or walking at the park. No music just listening to nature and life I guess. I also cut down on caffeine . I tried to really listen to my body when my anxiety peaked and what I was doing at the time and try to avoid doing it again. It worked BUT the main culprit for me was prayer!

To relieve stress/anxiety;
-Get seated comfortably and listen to calm positive music
-take four deep slow breaths
-or hot bath with music and/or fragrance

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When I can’t bare the shit my monster is giving me. I just write it down that is my outlet just pen paper or my phone. I write I think I create. And then when I feel better is share and people seem to feel it all. :pray:

For some this is a solution.
For others it will result in dwelling in the pain and the feelings will become unbearable.

Your suggestion helps when you have a base of calmth in your system.

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