What gifts has sobriety/recovery given you?

Sobriety has made me the man i always wanted to be


My life back…one thing its taught me is how determined i can be…imagine if you went after the things you want to achieve in sobriety with the same gusto and determination you had to go buy booze…the booze is gone but the determination is still there (within reason)


Sobriety has given me the opportunity to develop awareness. Life on life’s terms. It’s not always been very nice (for example I realised how much mental health stuff I was masking), but I am grateful that I have been able to better understand myself and take steps to change what I can and accept what I can’t.

I am still working on my self esteem, but my self confidence has improved. I don’t need alcohol to have fun. I get to choose the situations I engage in and truly enjoy them. I remember the fun things I do! I used to use alcohol to relieve boredom and ‘have fun’ but really I spent a lot of time doing not very much, I just did it drunk.

Sobriety gives me the freedom to live without the self inflicted anxiety and shame that follows blackout drinking sessions. It has given me the freedom to work less as I don’t need to spend as much. It has given me the opportunity to make decisions about myself and my life that I don’t think I would have done if I was stuck in the cycle of drinking and spending all my money on alcohol. I now live on a smallholding in a beautiful part of the country.

Life isn’t always perfect because of sobriety, but it is better. I have no regrets about stopping drinking and I hope I continue to see things this way.


Hey! Welcome to TS! Just wanted you to know that I think you are amazing. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m truly grateful that you were sober. Please keep coming back and sharing.


Sobriety gave me stability and motivation to find peace from something that wouldn’t try to kill me. Here’s just one of the fruits of being sober.

Had I kept drinking, my wife would have left me. I wouldn’t have had the means to purchase our mountain top. I wouldn’t have this view.


No, thank you! It is an incredible feeling knowing I just helped someone out with their sobriety. I am struggling with mine. I decided on October 1st I needed to quit drinking and I have failed every weekend. I got the weekdays down good but the weekends have been my downfall with this journey. I am now on my 3rd attempt and hearing you thanking me in keeping you going felt really good! I hope I can make myself and all of you fine people proud this weekend and stay sober.


Wow our drinking lives are parallel. This past weekend I was asking people for help to help piece Saturday night together with me… how embarrassing!
But I relate about drinking while bored but not doing anything anyways while drinking.
I nodded my head to a lot of things you were saying. It’s just time to give it up! Alcohol doesn’t give me anything to be proud of!!!

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Those mountains are picture perfect :heart_eyes:

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Hangover free mornings.


Freedom, happiness and deeper connections

A deeper more understanding love of my wife.


Holy :poop:, Hoof. I didn’t know that!!! A miracle on many levels. Just…wow!!


So many things…but mostly I don’t feel horrible both physically and mentally every day. Day 597 and I’m at the “how could I stand living like that” stage of recovery. Less than zero interest in going back to that miserable place.


Sobriety has given me clarity.
I have always been ambitious. When I’m sober I care about myself in every way I need to feel safe, loved, stable. Being able to pour all that energy into my spirit gives me drive towards my ambitions and explorations. Those things make me feel like myself and help me stay present.

It also started to cause serious eye dysfunction. There can be serious consequences from years of abuse. Sobriety helped me turn my health around.

Good luck on your journey


It gave me TS and I met all these people from Finland. Hurray! Now I am the American foreigner who doesn’t fit in…:thinking::thinking::thinking::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Oh and I met a super gal from Canada named Dana. @Butterflymoonwoman


Life is funny that way. :blush:

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Sobriety/recovery has given me way more than just quitting alcohol. I have a whole new appreciation for life and actually like myself now. I’ve never known peace like this. All the “things” that bring me joy are free. It didn’t happen over night but each day was just open to opportunity and growth.


Awe ur comment made me smile :smiley: Thank you for this!! Youre a pretty amazing friend too ya know! Im very blessed honestly to know you and many others on here. The unity we all have just in wanting to better ourselves and our lives. Its amazing! Hope youre having a good night!


All of you make sobriety sound amazing and I can not wait to get where you are! I have decided to change my schedule for the weekend so I can avoid temptation. I picked up extra shifts at work to keep me busy. I am very hopeful. I am one step closer to feeling all of these amazing things you have described!


What a great question! Sobriety has given me self respect. Space in my mind to think of other things rather than myself, my shame, how to hide the drinking, etc. All of that took so much thought and energy. It’s given me freedom. It’s given me my health- I feel physically and emotionally so much better! I’ve also come to love my nighttime routine (skincare, flossing, reading) and really appreciate being present and lucid before bed. I’ve begun enjoying other things more- being with my grown children, socializing, shopping, reading- everything seems more fun when the haze and shame are gone. The Bubble Hour podcast has so many stories of others who’ve become sober and how their lives have changed. Yiu might find that interesting. :blush:


Peace and ease.
And much more of cause.
But especially peace and ease. :v:t2::panda_face: