What happened to me

Hello, after being sober for 5 and half months I ended up drinking again. I do try to slow down. I don’t drink as bad as I used to. I ended up falling and breaking my ankle two weeks ago. I am glad it wasn’t worst. Some people that fell where I fell either busted there heads and legs. Mine was just my ankle. It was scary when I woke up and was all by myself. I sat in the rain all night. I do need to quit again.


Slowing down is not in my vocabulary. I mean: I can’t do that. It’s quitting or drinking, no in between. Sorry to hear you broke your ankle, seems like a good moment to work on your drinking problem. Enough time to think :pensive: Hope your ankle is not to painfull
Think over what you want for life. If you still want to quit then do so. You were 5 months sober so you know how to do it! :facepunch:


Wow where did you fall and why were you alone ? I’m sorry you had such a rough night . Take it one day at a time tho . Don’t beat yourself up . Just learn from it .

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Yeah, I know and I am thinking about what happened. My ankle is sore once in awhile. Hope it heals quick. It happened 2 weeks ago

I fell off like a 10 feet drop close to a grocery store. I was with friends but they left me. They said I was ok when they left me. I woke up and tried to stand up and I couldn’t stand up.

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Sorry to say…but maybe dump that so called “friends” too :flushed:


Oh dear. Dump them “friends” right away.

And even if you are attempting to just slow down right now… at least briefly consider taking a break, rather than going on, especially with an injury.

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Hi @Leona_Temple I’m saddened to hear of your relapse and breaking your ankle… That’s a tough break (no pun intended).
I too am 5 1/2 months sober and last night, for the first time, I had a dream that included drinking. Crazy thing was in my dream after the second sip, I snapped out of it, put the glass down and walked away… I legitimately thought I was drinking and I was disappointed in myself.
I guess my point is that even in a dream, I’ve been fortunate to find the strength in my mind and trained my motor skill of picking up to not include alcohol because I know that in doing so, my life does become unmanageable… Have you ever seen Yes, Man with Jim Carrey? There’s one part where he doesn’t say “yes” and all this bad stuff immediately starts happening to him so he goes back to the point he said “no” and agrees to whatever was offered. I related to that moment with many past experiences with alcohol. Alcohol rarely benefits me and at the end of the day, I’m not willing to risk the life I’ve worked so hard on lately on a chance.
I hope you have a speedy recovery with your ankle! We’re here if you need us :hugs:

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Yeah I can do that. And I know it would be hard to. But I know what you are saying.

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Thank you for sharing about your dream. Most of my days I wish I didn’t fall off my wagon. I started drinking in February. Almost lasted 6 months sober but it was hard on me. I kept thinking about my late boyfriend that passed away in 2017. A few months after his passing I went down hill. Drank every day. Just once in awhile I would stop for one or two days. Than my best friend got sick and was in the hospital for about three weeks before he passed. That’s when I sobered up for 5 months and three weeks. But any ways thank you and I hope for speedy recovery too. You have a good day.

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Yeah I am taking a break from everything right now. I know and hope I just stay away from alcohol.

Friends or drinking buddies? Friends wouldn’t have left you there. They would have got you up and out, and made sure you got home or to a hospital.

What happened to you? Easy: you said “yes” to the drink that matters…the first drink. It’s all downhill or in your case, straight down, from there.

My advice: Get some new friends. Sober friends. Maybe at a meeting.

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To get sober, I needed a plan and the help to stick to it. Hoping to stay sober without changing anything did not work for me.


Yes that’s true. If they were my friends they would have looked after me. I know I need to find new friends and I know it’s not hard to find.
I fell off from a wall about 10 feet. I must of passed out and leaned back and fell. I don’t really remember. I woke up on the bottom of the wall.
I will be okay. I have to stay in my brace for 6 weeks.

Yeah it is hard. My Dr is trying to help me quit my drinking. Cause I lost so many friends to alcohol addiction. I am wanting to to treatment. Now I have to wait till I heal from my broken ankle

In my experience, a broken ankle requires consistent doses of pain killers. Please be honest with yourself and your medical team about taking these drugs as prescribed. Pain is a subjective experience,of course. There is a difference between pain and discomfort, but the drugs remove both.

Know that you can be sober while you are healing your ankle.

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Yes I have been sober while taking these meds. Been two weeks now since the incident. 15 days sober now. Hope to keep going after I am all healed. I got this