"What happened"

Why why why OH WHY is the first question from every human when you tell them you relapsed “What happened?”
NOTHING “happened”
There was no special major event that led up to me relapsing,I just happen to be an addict and this happens to be a part of it
Or PERHAPS it’s because I freaked everybody out with my behaviour just before I went to rehab,I did crazy shit…like trying to murder myself kinda crazy shit so that’s maybe why everybody is first asking me “What happened?”
So perhaps that’s the reason


Sorry to hear that things got that bad… But Reasons someone may ask is because usually there is a reason. If it be anxiety, stress, boredom, or bad habit, triggers, association u are around. Something draws you out to making the decision to use … Yes we are addicts but…some type of emotion whether it be good or bad is coming up inside u. Or we jus forget why we dont want to use anymore lol then we are reminded quickly of course…Just always remember to think an pray before making that ultimate bad decision next time… And always remember NEVER GIVE UP! Hope the best for u in ur recovery! No one is perfect we all fall short the key is to jus keep moving forward.

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People don’t know what to say sometimes. It’s like when someone dies and everyone says, “how are you doing?” It’s a silly thing to say, but that is all some people know to say.

It may be worth giving people the benefit of the doubt. Sure, they might find a better way to express their concern, but if you can reasonably assume they mean well, then just let it pass.

That could be the kindest thing you can do for them, and the best thing to do for your own mental well being as well.


WOW!!!Your comment is a good eye opener on so many levels.I didn’t consider that there might have been a reason but now that I THINK about it…it was boredom


Yeah,thank you.The more comments I read the more&more I fall in love with this app the same way it made me feel before I relapsed.Thanks,I needed to hear that


There are reasons, and there are excuses. Sometimes our reasons are excuses.

Unless one is suffering from mental illness and not in complete control of their faculties there is only one reason for a relapse: “I wanted to indulge my addiction more than I wanted freedom from my addiction.”

Could be momentary. What some call a “slip”. That one drink, or line, or toke, or hit, or bet, or sexual act, page-click or cut. We catch ourselves and say “no. I’ve been this way before. Got to get back on the sober path.”

It could be a full-blown relapse unfolding. We fall back into that life we tried so hard to be free of. We end up back in painfully familiar territory. Maybe our desire to be free reasserts itself. Maybe it doesn’t and we’ve resumed a terminal slide to the bottom. Maybe it kills us.

A relapse is an intentional interruption in our recovery. We must give ourselves permission to use our DOC. This is the only reason for relapse. Everything else is an excuse used as justification for giving ourselves permission.

At least that’s the way I see it. Your mileage may vary.


“I wanted to indulge my addiction more than I wanted freedom from my addiction.”
Sad but true,a little ouch but I needed to hear it.Thank you


A truth that’s a little bitter is better than a sugar-coated lie.

Decide to be better and then be better.


This is true sir,this is true :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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I think you can overthink things when you feeling down dont. Just fix a goal for yourself and only think about achieving that.