What happens in AA meetings?

Its something i have thought about doing for a while to keep me on track.
I can imagine you talk, but what else happens?

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Depends on the meeting.

Some are based on the big book and you’ll typically read from the book, and then discuss it. Some are step meetings, and you’ll speak specifically on a that step. Some are open meetings, you can share about your day, your issues/insecurities/fears.

Meetings typically start with the reading of the 12 steps and 12 traditions, asking newcomers to identify themselves and chips. Then the meeting and sharing. Typically the meeting ends and a circle forms and people hold hands and recite the lord’s prayer.

You are not obligated to share, identify yourself, say the prayer or stay for the whole meeting.

I’d suggest just hitting an open meeting, sitting in the back and checking it out. Have an open mind, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


That pretty much sums it up. There’s often a lot of carrying on before and/or after. People catching up, etc. The meetings themselves are punctual and (usually or always?) one hour long. Totally fine to just slip in and out for the meeting.

Also there’s coffee. :v:


When you feel comfortable volunteer to make coffee or set up. This will give you a chance to meet people. Before you know it you’ll have made some good friends and feel good about giving back.

How do you go about finding the right meeting for you in your area? I am not religious and definitely dont care to attend a religiously based NA or AA meeting? How can i look up meetings by me to find the best one?

You could call the local intergroup office, they’ll have a volunteer who won’t mind chatting and finding you the right meeting based on type, area and time.


Im not religious either and dont want this kind if i can help it…

You’re in luck bc it’s definitely not a religious program. They use the term God bc it’s easier. There is no dogma attached. Plenty of athiests and agnostics get sober AA.


AA is not a religious.

I struggled with my first few meetings, kept thinking “this isn’t for me” BUT I knew I couldn’t make any judgements based on only a few encounters and kept going. I encourage you to keep an open mind and open heart. The evidence is in the amount of people’s lives that have been changed. You will find your people! I will too! Check some different meetings out.

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I prefer meetings that study a book or have a clear topic. Just listening to people share their drunk stories doesn’t interest me. It’s a good idea to stick around after the meeting and talk with someone. And connect with the people that are the same sex as you. My home group is a closed women’s meeting.

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Yeah. You’re likely to hear about “God” at an AA meeting. The idea of a Higher Power (anything greater than I am) is part of AA. Some identify with a literal, religious God. That’s theirs though. It’s however we understand it. @CaptAZ mentioned the Lord’s Prayer isn’t uncommon to hear, but there’s no obligation to join it. Many at my group just listen.

This week my higher power has been Tom Hanks. He definitely has something figured out I don’t.


Hahaha!!!thought it was seriously bad AA meeting!

I :heartbeat: naked yoga

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I just went to my first one Thursday and I went to another Friday. They were discussion meetings, both had people celebrating their anniversaries. So the whole meeting was centered around people congratulating them and sharing the impact these people have had on their lives. It was extremely inspiring


They summed it up nicely, good work fellas! I recommend going into the meeting with the mindset of trying to identify with what people share about. It’s really easy to go to a meeting and hear someone share part of their story and think, “well I didn’t drink like that person so I must not be an alcoholic…” truth is we all drank differently but it effected us the same and made us feel a certain way…

If you can find the similarities in the feelings behind a person’s share you will have a better experience.

And don’t worry about the God stuff… Ur God can be a freaking hair brush if you want it too… We AAs don’t care as long as it helps you and is keeping you sober, then F it❤️

I hope you go to your first meeting and introduce yourself to WOMEN! Good luck, it’s not so bad if you need anything we are here!


For those of you who would rather attend a secular meeting, with a program that has a science-based approach, try SMART. If there is not a meeting in your area, you can attend meetings online at smartrecovery.org

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What you wrote is so true I want you to write it again lol

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I love SMART recovery!! It’s probably my favorite system that I tried so far. The aspect I enjoy most about AA is the in person support, being around people who are in the same boat and can share their experience

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That’s awesome! I’m glad you’re getting benefit from both systems. Use any tool you can to keep living life on your own terms.

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