What has been your greatest ally in quitting?

My 3 biggest allies are

  • Rehab
  • Talking sober
  • Learning to accept feedback and knowing it’s not an attack

Try AA, 12 steps AA and get a sponsor.
YOU seem young. Do it now while you have your life in front of you. You won’t regret it. I waited Peter Pan style, waaaaaay to long. Then when my body couldn’t handle it anymore it was 10x as hard to deal worth it all mentally. I finally found out what works for me is 100% abstinence. Once I exhausted every other “I can do it my way” option. (Highly NOT recommended). It was an extra year or 2 of wasted life.
I stopped fighting, over thinking and looking at what I was missing. “The supposed good times” . I realized the best times were here. The sober times. Clear thinking. No regrets or hangovers. No asking what I forgot I did. No more apologies. Just a fresh new day eveyday. Endless opportunities and potential. Motivation. You will find the you, that was lost in translation to alcoholic behaviors. It’s amazing. Stay true to yourself and feel the change come to you. Be proud of your new way of thinking. Let others do what they want but help them if they ask for it. Be an example of how life should be lived. Unfortunately most country, blues and rock songs make you think drinking is a great thing. Commercials and billboards show great times. Where are the songs and commercial about the reality of blackouts, and court. JAIL TIME?
Having to live with killing someone from DUI?
That’s never shown.
Do yourself a huge favor. Stay stopped. Don’t ever look back in life with the I miss the “fun times”. It’s a total lie. The best days of your life are never worrying about cops pulling you over or fighting a best friend or insulting a loved one because you drank too much.
Go forth bravely and be the best person you can. That’s a sober version of you! Stay strong.