What hobbies make you happy... where are you from

Its a 06 Street glide.

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forgot my Bass and 12 string


Skateboarding :skateboard: is my favorite, I suck at it :laughing: but I’m normalizing sucking at hobbies :crazy_face: it puts a smile on my face :grinning:


Also I’d like to say, I get that keeping busy, very early on my mind barked at the idea of drinking, for a good month. I was doing all kinds of goofy shit lol. I was discovering who I was, and wasnt, while not drinking/attempting sobriety, so I get it. Keep us posted! We want to see what your keeping busy with!


Working on
Some framing and electrical now. This is going to be a nice little bachelors pad when its all said and done. Heres some of my finish work


@Billy85 Very nice work! I imagine you must feel a lot of satisfaction when you finish a project.

@Ray_M_C_Laren That is a fantastic collection of instruments!

@CharlesRumble I love the Cello. There’s something very soothing about the deep sound it gives out.


Thanks for the compliment and yes i have an addiction in its self with before and after photos. I take pictures of EVERYTHING i do and have for the past 4-5 years!


Hey, as long as you’re having fun doing it, more power to ya! :sunglasses:


Were getting a wood burner installed shortly so decide to use up some old pallets for the base and a cosmetic finish with weather boarding .


Nice use of recycled materials… love it!!


Close. The Ibanez is correct. The white one is a Mitchell and the middle one is an 85 Heritage Eagle it’s my pride and joy (also my emergency pawn item) but I hope it never comes to that.


Hi ya every one…I’m from Birmingham West Midlands…I seem to enjoy a walk…and doin lots of planting …buyin lots of pretty things for garden… u could say it’s like Blackpool eliminations :rofl:
Sendin time with my lil nieces … as my 2 boys in there 20s and got own life’s now x


Just down the road from me then I’m in Sheffield :slightly_smiling_face:
My main hobbies are, photography, building scale models and getting to grips with Earl Scruggs and ‘foggy mountain breakdown’ (my nemesis) on the banjo :innocent:&:smiling_imp:


If you have an iPhone (android works too but you’ll need to get Amplitube) and want to add a ton of voicings to your keys and bass you can pick up an iRig HD 2 ($99USD) and run it through GarageBand and Tonebridge both totally free. Cable out from the instrument, into the irig, out to the amp and there’s a micro usb to lightning wire/USB-C. It’s seamless.


That sounds really interesting! Thanks. I’ll
have to explore this some time.

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My saxophones and learning how to sight read really helps me! Day dreaming about playing my fav songs flawlessly! Playing on stage etc. :saxophone: :grinning:


Lovely Whurli!!!


I have always wanted to try karaoke because I can carry a tune. Now that I’m sober, I doubt that day will ever come. Too chicken.


Fellow sax player here!

I used to think meth use enhanced creativity. Recently ive noticed that my creative side tends to hide itself when im high. Now that ive had fifty something days clean ive really gotten some cool projects done.
First i painted a bird house. One ive owned for and been talking about painting for two years. It was just sitting in my closet all this time till i got clean. Next i painted my bathroom and painted a rose on my bedroom door and used real rocks to make the vase. Ive been collecting rocks for nearly three years and always talked of creating art with them but never actually put my plans into action.
I also recently started to make videos and put them up on social media platforms like tictock and facebook reels. Some of the photos i made slides with are beautiful pictures that just sat un noticed on my phone for months. Again, i always talked about turning them into slides and sharing them but i never did till i got clean.
Now that halloween is aproaching i got a job ( first time ive worked in ten years other than dealing drugs or working the local jail kitchen). My job is at a halloween store so i get to dress up for work. Ive discovered I’m pretty good at face painting.
In the past few years the only times i can remeber my creativity flowing is when i was in jail. While locked up and sober i made all my commissary by either doing intricate hair braiding and by drawing greeting cards and writing poetry ( and smut stories).
Id love to share some images of my art but i guess new users are not permitted to do.so