What hobbies make you happy... where are you from

I wanted to start a thread about what people like to do with thier free time. For me, im a worker so first and foremost any free time i have im on the clock making money… i love what i do, renovations and remodeling!!! If im not working i love to fish, hike, cook, and i also like to produce ( make beats )… im from ohio and currently still live here but ive lived in arizona and florida as well… any ohio people??? I think its important to have hobbies and or a way to stay busy while in recovery. Keeping my mind as busy as possible is what helps me the most.
Ive attached photos of an electric fireplace build that i did last summer. Thanks for looking


Hobbies are good for the soul, its wierd that whenever ive gotten sober its like my creative side comes into action almost like a compulsion…like hey Kelly im still here! So aside from working…at the moment im working on a canvas for my bedroom wall, i love to cook…i made a full sunday roast last week for my mother for mothers day and tomorrow im making a ‘party’ supper for my neices and daughter regardless of the fact theres no celebration involved in it but i love to spend time with them…aunty kel is still lots of fun sober :blush: i guess u could say my daughter and neices are a hobby in themselves, other than that i love to collect silver jewellery, watch documentaries, help people on here, my life is getting fuller by the day now im sober


My gardening keeps me busy now im retired still build decks and sheds for friends but i like growing from seed veg and bedding plants


Wow…you can come do mine if you like Ray :laughing:


Beautiful garden and very well done :clap:.


Beautiful work from both of you!! I need a shed Ray!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

I have been a little lost with my hobbies lately. Mental / physical challenges have been overriding and keeping me a bit stuck from doing and enjoying stuff. Spring has sprung tho, so I have been in the garden and dirt and anticipate a lot more. I think I just needed more of a winter rest. :purple_heart: Sometimes I get mor enjoyment following others hobbies and activities, rather than my own. :woman_shrugging:


Wow!!! What a beautiful display :slight_smile:


Amazing work you do!!! Youre very talented!

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Everyone has some amazing hobbies!
I have a few hobbies that i like to do. Ive always had a passion for baking. I enjoy baking custom cakes and cupcakes, chocolate covered oreos, macarons, etc.

And then i also enjoy making custom dreamcatchers now and then. I learned how to make them during one of my many attempts at recovery back in the day. This hobby has kind of a special meaning to me i guess.

I also just picked up a newer hobby also - hand embroidery. Dont have many pics of my work yet as its fairly new to me. But i enjoy it.


So pretty!!! I feel more calm just looking at these pics :blossom::sunny:


I’m very new to sobriety so I feel like (sadly) I don’t even know what my hobbies are yet since drinking took up so much time. I feel like I want to try a bunch of stuff and see what sticks. Somehow I also feel compelled to visit a craft store even though I’m not crafty at all…I read somewhere that when we stop drinking we have all of these creative forces come out!

Things I’ve tried and am not very good at:

  • cooking
  • painting
  • singing


Y’all are so talented!!!


forgot my music


I’m a musician of 20+ years a lot of different instruments but I’ve gotten back into good ol rock guitar. I’m a classical Cellist by trade so I needed to spice it up a bit.


There are so many music and hobby threads. You might read around before you open a new one.


Let me see if I can guess: the guitars are an Ibanez on the left, a Paul Reed Smith on the far right, but I don’t recognize the middle one. The amp looks like a Fender Champ.

How’d I do?



Yea sorry, i dont know how all this works yet. This is my attempt at staying active, thanks for the heads up though!


Lots of musical folks on this thread. Sweet! Here’s my toy collection.


From? Hard to say because I was a military kid but I’ve lived in Mississippi most of my life. I’m gonna stay here for a couple more years to go back to school since it’s a lot easier to get into and much much cheaper here than most other places in the US. Then I’m gone. GONE. far.

I actually came to the “just for fun” section looking for a hobby thread. Was going to see if there are any other aviation buffs or plane spotters, etc. here. Many of my favorite hobbies are location and price restrictive but I love to fly, offroad, hike, target shoot, amateur astronomy, gardening, anything outdoors really.

My cheap hobbies are reading, playing video games, crosswords, contemplating life I guess. Lately I’ve been using flightradar24.com to track flights going over the house. It’s interesting to me to see an airliner going overhead and knowing things like hey, in 12 hours all those people are going to be on a different continent. I watched 3 all in a row today departing Houston and going to London, Munich and Amsterdam in that order. All places I’m going to visit one day. Right now I’m playing Flight Sim flying the same aircraft and route from Houston to London.

I used to be into music, I play alto sax but I haven’t played in 10 or 12 (14? hell idk) years now. I actually hadn’t even thought about it until I saw everyone’s guitar collections up there. I still have my saxophones but I’m sure they need a tune up, new pads, etc. and I lost my mouthpieces lol. I always wanted to learn the guitar and bought myself an acoustic once, but I never took one lesson (back before youtube was a thing) and wound up giving it to a family member.

Other than that I do a lot of sitting outside dividing my attention between youtube travel videos, the birds and squirrels running amok, listening to music and daydreaming.


Very nice. Is that a Dyna Sport?

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