What I did in the first month

How are you, my friends?

I’ll leave here a list of attitudes I took in the first month that helped a lot:

  1. I got rid of all the alcohol I had in the house, except for a bottle of wine that I looked at daily, reaffirming my goal of not drinking.
  2. I took a break from all friendships that consumed alcohol.
  3. I stopped having lunch at restaurants.
  4. I started going to the gym to do weight training.
  5. When I felt like drinking, I immediately drank water until the urge passed.

Today it has been 143 days since my last bottle of wine.

I hope it helps.

Greetings from Brazil.


2 and 3 were both something that I did as well. I did not stop hanging out with my old friends and it was not a smart idea. They never pressured me to drink but there was always alcohol around and just made it uncomfortable. And I can’t recall a meal before 348 days ago in a restaurant that didn’t have numerous drinks so I avoided them also! For sure a lot of life changes had to be made but wouldn’t change it for anything.


Great list! I myself wouldn’t have been able to do #1 lol I don’t have enough will power to look at my DOC and not do it lol But everyone has different things that work for them :slight_smile: congratulations on ur sobriety! Ur doing amazing!


I’m the same. Only alcohol I had in my house was for that day. Never had a surplus or extra lying around to even have in the cupboard.


Thank you for sharing!

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Congratulations and thanks for the list!!! I’m doing #1 also and I didn’t want to say anything bc I didn’t know how it would be received. I have one in my house and one in my partner’s of my specific DOC. It makes me feel powerful. I literally choose every moment of everyday NOT to open that bottle. I CHOOSE sobriety. #1 personally helps me pull strength and remember. Congrats again!

Ps: it’s not in plain sight or anything, I’m not torturing myself or testing my willpower, it is out of sight out of mind but I sometimes remember it’s there or I come across it by accident. Again, it reminds me of where I am coming from and what a hold it had over me and not to slack on my hard work or ease up on my dedication.

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Congratulations on your 143 days!! I appreciate you sharing what worked with you!!

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