This is just one YouTube video I like to listen to while I do my daily meditation in the morning. I have gotten into native American music lately, I find it very relaxing and after doing some research on native rituals I find it relates to recovery in some aspects. Anyways if you find this relaxing then I’m glad
I like that a lot bro. Thanks for sharing! Not really sure how to “meditate” properly though…
Oo I really like the northern lights one! Thank you I needed to find some new ones! I think this weekend I’m going to head to my local native American shop and see what kind of cd’s I can get there so I can support them. Maybe buy a flute or something haha
Yeah there really isn’t a right or wrong way. Put on some relaxing music and focus on peaceful things and every time something else pops up into your head just gently push it back out. For me it was hard at first I maybe got a minute at most of pure meditation. It takes practice like all things but those small moments are the most peaceful moments you could ever imagine. No thoughts about what you did wrong or what’s wrong in the world. It’s amazing once you get tuned in. Goodluck man
@alpine_1975 I meditate by putting on one of those lamp things that creates different colored waves on my ceiling (typically used in baby rooms to help them sleep) It allows me to concentrate on that instead of my constant thoughts and relax my body. If I start wandering off (and thinking way too much like I normally do), I recognize it and let it float away and bring my focus back to the ceiling. The whole point is to give your brain a break and just feel or see or hear right now.
Love it, i use this white noise sample a lot something about it just melts my brain,
or OM chanting,there are a lot of different versions of it
Jimi Hendrix ‘Are you Experienced’ gives me the kickstart I need!
BOB Marley for sure.... but most reggae bands I find to be very ☀️ happy, spiritual, and mood lifting
I am putting this on my Playlist during my drive today. I never heard this take on this song. I love reggae!
I like reggae too. Trying to find some good uplifting reggae. All I used to listen to was “stoner reggae” hhaha
@Leigh I’m going to listen to this during my morning meditation tomorrow!
This is fantastic, thank you for sharing. I’ve recently began meditating, can’t wait to get past the 5 minute mark haha.
haha DOOOIT!!! it’s so zen!