What I splurge on now

My new addiction is junk food mind you I work alot and very active so should be alright lol but this weekend I was struggling 30 days I hit this week so happy


I love your stash!! :rofl::joy::rofl:
I did the same thing in the first few months. I couldn’t get enough. Once covid hit, I wasn’t getting as much excercise and put on too much weight so I had to cut out all snacks.

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Have you moved into your new home yet?

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Really jealous…
I want to pig out on food but for some reason I have no appetite and everything tastes like cardboard still.

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October 1st we move in it’s so hard waiting tho the house is ten houses down from us now from his mothers lol but been saving lots of money so we can buy more furniture plus I have a storage unit packed with my stuff from previous house

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I find that everything taste different now I cant lie but for the better and smells I havent been able to smell candles in a long time

Omg me to tho I gained alot being off work but back at work in the hear to I’m loosing alot of the covid lbs mind you these snacks I have to share with my kids and man tho lol

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Good for you Sarah. Don’t set limits on food for now & don’t feel guilty if you’re craving snack foods or sweets. It’s normal in early sobriety to feel that way.

There’s all kinds of messages floating around the world about how our bodies should look and what we should do. It’s real simple: for us in recovery, it doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. What matters is keeping our steady, sober self. What you eat food-wise doesn’t really matter that much. Obviously get your share of veggies, etc - but don’t beat yourself up about snacks.

I love your snacks! For me it’s cookies and chocolate. I can’t get enough of that stuff. Subway cookies. There’s a Subway right around the corner from me. Mmmmm their chocolate chip cookies are the best :innocent:


@sarah0130 my list below

  • water melon
  • Costco vanilla ice cream
  • Gatorade
  • Ferraro rocher
  • butter croissants

If eating chocolate is wrong, I don’t wanna be right! :rofl: