What I'm Listening To Right Now \m/

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Spotify :metal::guitar::zap:

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Spotify :zap::metal::guitar:

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Fuck yeah!

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Hell yeahhh :metal:t2:
I opened the thread, saw Down to nothing and Earth Crisis, I felt like home :grin:

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Welcome. I post a lot on this one. I just started going through my entire playlist A to Z and post some good stuff here and there. I just started the E’s today. See ya around.:grin::metal::pouring_liquid::no_smoking::+1:

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The new High on Fire album Cometh the Storm, the new Melvins EP Tarantula Heart, and the new Apollo Brown & Planet Asia album Sardines.


I like this game
Gimme an F :grin:

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Nice! I like it. :point_up_2::+1:
I’m still stuck in the Eeee’s with a lot of good shit coming.

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Ha it’s Pat Flynn from the mighty Have Heart on vocals, you can’t go wrong with this guy :blue_heart:

Earth crisis is classic, even if I mostly listen to their two first eps and their first album

Ok i give you an E
The Effort

I am the black sheep of this country
Because I won’t buy what they sell me


Maestro Ennio


Yes and yes. They got added to my list. Where I live used to be the Wild West and I love our history so of course I dug this one. :national_park::desert:


Brand new Eyes of Salt from Denver Colorado

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