What is the sobriety date of everyone out here.?

December 1st is my youngest Birthday!

My youngest Birthday is also December 1st!
What year was your babe born?

On this board you will see me and several others use the wording sober/clean. We are addicts I hate to break it to you we all suffer the same disease different DOC. If it offends you Iā€™m sorry but this is a multi addiction board. And itā€™s diversifying even more all the time, so if you want to believe that one disease is different then another then go ahead but Iā€™ll continue my way.


No need to have a hair up your bottom.
I know that and see that.
All in all we all have a problem.
I do not see one worse then the other.
I just believe/know someone can be clean but not sober/sober but not clean.
People do stop using but not stop drinking/stop drinking but not using.

See in my eyes itā€™s not my job to decide if people on here are using my definition of recovery (no mind altering substances). I donā€™t need their inventory. They work their recovery. So Iā€™m trying to define as little as possible! My hair is quite thin on my head so I donā€™t have any to spare to place up my bottom. But you are the one who tagged me telling me my view was askew.

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I didnā€™t tag you, I commented on your comment.
You are taking my comment wrong.

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July 22, 2017


Jan 10,2018; Will hit sixty days clean on Sunday, ive tried for years to quit. Fifteen years on opiates and another five on H. I finally found hope and a purpose in life!


February 21st is what I estimated, I actually joined this app after going a little bit, so I had to guess. ^^/

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January 2nd, 2018 at 10 PM. Where to start, honestly? My life is opening up before me.


Awesome :star2::star2:

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Do you mean booze?


3-1-18, baby!!

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February 2, 2018

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March 12,2018

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August 11th 2018

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Sept. 27, 2017


July 24, 2017. By now, not drinking every day feels like the very least I can do for myself and my family. But on that day, 405 of them ago, it took everything I had left inside me just to concede to try and not drink for that ONE DAY. Amazing.


August 9 -2018 thatā€™s the day I started working on my sobriety. I turned myself in to rehab and been clean 24 days today. I donā€™t remember when was the last time I was sober this long.