June 19, 2017.
October 15, 2019 for me.
27 June 2019
So many impressive dates! I am more of a proud “newbie”… October 23, 2019
2 Years. 2 Months. 2 Days
@Lionfish Hey Lea, I found your sober twin at our Thanksgiving rehab alumni Monday night. They actually had us wear nametags for once and wrote our sober/clean date on them.
26th December 2005
That’s awesome! And makes me so happy wish I had been there!!
juin 27, 2019
5 months and some days.
October 15, 2019. 30 days in treatment. Feeling good.
01 November 2018
Psst! Its 2018, you just did yourself out of a year!
haha - I just saw this and was like… ‘WHAT THE…!!!’ had me worried for a second there Geoff!
Mine is 3rd July 2019. I am grateful for my experience on this day as it was my wake up call. The day I realised I NO longer want to put myself through the pain and suffering alcohol brings.
03/28/2011 by the grace of God!!
July 5th 2018
March 5, 2017
August 10 1984
May 20, 2019. Brings me back to the moment, on a business trip alone with too many empty beer cans to fit in the little hotel room waste basket and just thinking what the Hell am I doing? Then searching for Sobriety Apps and voila, my life changed.