What is/was your lie to yourself

As an addict I am/was suffering. Realizing that the greatest source of suffering are the lies I told myself is a giant step in my recovery/discovery.

One lie is to not label my upbringing as the horror as it was. “Strange” how the brain tries to not believe that the people who should love you the deepest and should protect are incapable doing so :sleepy:

What is/was your lie to yourself? :pray:


There’s so many. Most have to do with me interacting with the world. That I need no one. That I have to do everything by myself. That I can’t do it. That I’ll never amount to anything. That I’m alone. That everybody will leave me once they really know me. Etcetera.


My lie to myself was that i can do whatever i want and the world revolvs around me. Breaking througb this thought was the beginning of a better me


My lie to myself is you can always do better whch tends to make me feel shame when i dont achieve and am “not good enough”


Mine was “I’m not an addict”. How could I be? I had a family, house, career, 2 cars in the garage. I’m not as bad as those people in the rooms.

I never had a problem with alcohol or drugs in the 1st half of my life. I honestly believed I could get back to that person and drink responsibly or do drugs on occasion. I thought I just needed a “reset”. That belief was smashed when I walked into the rooms of AA (against my will) and learned this is a progressive disease and turning a pickle back to a cucumber is impossible.


“I can stop whenever I want”

I truly believed this until the day I wanted to stop.


“I can have just one” :roll_eyes:

Freedom is not having to try to walk that “moderation” tightrope any more :+1: :innocent:


“I can handle it”


There were quite a few lies that i told myself. @Mno Mennos post really hit home to me as I can relate to everything being said. Another one that i used to tell myself was that I didnt care about anything. This was a bold faced lie bcuz in reality i cared very much about what happened to me, how people treated me, and how i treated others. Back in the day, I thought it was easier to not give a sh!t bcuz then things didnt hurt. So i truly believed wholeheartedly that I didnt care about anything. And i made myself believe it.

Coming into recovery, i realized how passionate of a person i really am and how much i really do care about… well practically everything lol


I forgot that one! Who cares! I don’t for sure!!! F*ck it all! I feel nothing right.


“I can quit tomorrow”

“I need this”


U may have missed that one lol but u took the words right out of my mouth on all the ones u listed lol. Really hit home. Especially the last one… that everyone will leave me once they really know me. Once people got to know me, I used to be told (by multiple people for years) that I was “too much”. I had alot of baggage for sure at that time but now i know that my past doesnt define me. I refuse to label myself based on my past. It doesnt make me WHO i am today.


I’ve told so many lies to myself like all addicts. I’ve hurt my loved ones with telling myself and them I can stop drinking and smoking pot whenever I want. I’ve convinced myself I don’t have a problem. I can deal with all my shit on my own, I don’t need anyone and so on.


The most basic one: I should be able to deal with that by myself.


If He,She,They, didn’t do this or If It that situation didn’t happen I wouldn’t need to … was a BIG one ……


Ive told myself so many lies .thats its a you problem not every my fault … that drinking and drugs were never the problem it was other peoples cause of my self destruction behavior


“I don’t have a problem”.


“I’m not gonna drink tonight.”
“This time will be different.”
“Nobody can tell.”
“I’m fine to drive.”
“I wouldn’t be like this if it weren’t for him.”


I 100 percent agree with those i still drove tho to work and still thought no one could tell .working in and out of switch gears some nights just gone . High voltage and drinking dont go well together


Funny how we couldn’t even smell the booze on ourselves, but everyone else could.