What kind of thing/activity You reward Yourself for achieving milestones, etc.?

It was the second sentence in the post. Makes you look super creepy.


Then You either must be oversensitive on this subject or I’m very innocent, because when I was writing it, I had no creepy intentions there. None.

I guess we are all over sensitive cuz we all took it that way. Everyone but you hmmm…


Everyone else seems to think it’s creepy so it looks like a you problem. Is that going to be part of your porn recovery program? Creeping on people on the internet?


Now I should feel offended, and probably report You, but since this is internet, then I don’t care that much.

Go right ahead.

You were the one accusing me of having wrong intentions.
Would that speak tons on Your intentions?
I wonder.

@Sassyrocks @CaptAZ @Robin @Eke @C-sun @NewPerspective @aircircle @siand @ifs


I tagged all the mods. Let’s see what they have to say about you being creepy.

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Hahahaha ok…

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It’s not that anything to do with relationships isn’t allowed. Your comment came across as sexualising something that wasn’t intended as sexual. And we do try and avoid overtly sexual stuff here to be mindful of those with sex addictions.


Also, some people find sexual comments uncomfortable. This is a sobriety site and we want to make everyone feel safe and welcome :blush:


Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.

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Back on topic… I don’t necessarily reward myself at milestones, probably because I personally don’t celebrate them and I skip checking in on those days, fir my own weird reasons if having too many of them haha.

However, I have little celebrations on a daily basis. Things we may start taking for granted such as answering the phone sober, remembering the following day. Going to the gym, meeting my business goals. There’s a little reward daily. I’m grateful fir the little things that are actually really big fir me :grin:


Very good. That’s a very wise approach, to not fall into overdose of rewarding.

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Since I’m almost 90kg/200 lbs and 185cm/6ft tall there is not enough space to stretch my legs and you joking like that :laughing: Also I saw your comment did a little storm here :sweat_smile:


I get down real low see. Then I gnash my teeth and snarl like a tiger see.
Then I pounce on some unsuspecting victim see.
Then I run away see.


Unintended storm.
If I knew, that it would cause such an outbreak, then I just wouldn’t write it.

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Ive stopped giving myself rewards for my sobriety and after two years and feeling sorely tempted to drink last night i think thats a mistake. I will focus more. Today i will self care with a Fire and make a good lunch.


But first im making my chicken pasta boxes for the week…:+1:


Looooove this thread.

As a previous addict with food I can’t use that as a reward system. So these days it’s between buying a book since I’m throwing myself into reading like a mofo, and giving myself permission to actually have time out and do whatever I want. As someone who suffers daily from anxiety and depression I have so much time go by where I punish myself for not doing enough. But these time outs are special, I worked for them.