What kind of thing/activity You reward Yourself for achieving milestones, etc.?

Yep, it is silly more and more young people are getting tattoos, they really need to move with the times. My friend has a hello kitty tattoo - laughable that it could signify yakuza!


This is flipping awesome.

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When I hit 30 days clean I go to a spa for a massage :grinning:

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@jjcarson92 love the card idea!

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Cake or ice cream or if I’m feeling double daring cake with ice cream! :grinning::blush:


I haven’t really celebrated any milestones. I do celebrate recovery on the regular though.

One thing I’m grateful for from recovery is my health. So much better now. With work I got back both my physical health and enough motivation to get back into hiking.

So last year I burned through some sober savings upgrading some equipment to embrace the positive changes. Just now planning my first couple backpacking trips to the wilderness for the year.

I guess it’s a kind of reward, or at least something I love and 100% owe to my recovery!


Oh wait… Yes! There’s definitely ice cream. :+1:

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Every single day is a milstone for me so everyday I trying to reward myself with some selfcare. Today nice bath :grin:


What is inappropriate about it?
I need to know, to not repeat the action.

They admitted yesterday they are a troll.


I just don’t see anything inappropriate in writing, that something look romantic.
Please explain to me what was inappropriate about it.
I’m not joking, I really have no idea…

By you saying “it would be a shame to bath alone” it is definitely taken as a come on. An advance.
Having a relaxing bath is self care. For someone to say what you said it’s definitely kinda weird and feels like your creepin.


Not everything is sexual or as you say “romantic”


I understand, but I’m a romantic person, so that was the first thing, which came to my mind.
I didn’t know, that anything related to relationships is forbidden in here :no_mouth:

Lol it’s not, but when someone lists a picture of a bath and you respond with what you did it’s inappropriate, like I said, an advance. I feel like your trying to manipulate the situation to not be what it was. And I feel like you know what you said wasn’t right. This whole thing feels weird.
I’ve explained what the problem was so I’m done with it now.


It was the second sentence in the post. Makes you look super creepy.


Then You either must be oversensitive on this subject or I’m very innocent, because when I was writing it, I had no creepy intentions there. None.

I guess we are all over sensitive cuz we all took it that way. Everyone but you hmmm…


Everyone else seems to think it’s creepy so it looks like a you problem. Is that going to be part of your porn recovery program? Creeping on people on the internet?


Now I should feel offended, and probably report You, but since this is internet, then I don’t care that much.