What made you quit drinking?

I realized alcohol was running my life and not me.


It was either I quit or I was heading for serious health issues, probably death. My whole system was out of whack and I felt sick every night and morning whether I drank a lot or a little the night beforeā€¦ yet I kept drinking nightly when I just got increasingly tired of feeling ill ALL THE TIME. Best decision ever.


Thaanks :slightly_smiling_face: means alot

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Declining health and lack of ability to get my life/ responsibilities in order.


I can definitely relate to this.

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Iā€™m beyond happy you made the right choice!!! Keep it up @Thirdmonkey proud of you.

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Liver cirrhosis at age 28.


@Clarity both my uncles passed from alcoholism. It still scares me to see how our minds think the liquid is so powerful it can control us. Proud of you.


Accepting that Iā€™m an alcoholic. And, If I wanted a life free of the bondage of self, all I needed was the help & strength of you guys. Well, maybe a little work from me tooā€¦ :smiley:


@Lyn1 we are all here for you. Rude this out like a roller coaster. You will get through this. Proud of you.

@mleclaire looks like youā€™re doing an incredible job! I commend you, keep it up!!!

DUI and totaled my 2010 suburban :bangbang: And Iā€™m still around for a second chance at life


Your story is pretty much mine, and was why I let the drinking go tooā€¦I was destroying every good, true and constant thing in my lifeā€¦my husband is my best friend, and my Dad who is my world sat there watching me self destruct and it was killing himā€¦heā€™s my world and I realized I Gotta do better than this.

I AM better than thisā€¦so I said DONE, and here I am with you fine, brave beautiful people!

The road is longā€¦the road is winding, and the end destination is everything!

Keep walking folksā€¦keep rising, and keep thriving!



Iā€™m glad that voice came too you, and so, so glad your here with us today!

Blessings to you!



My life was a total wreck. My husband was an addict. And he was mean he was putting his hands on me regularly. We lost everything. I was already ā€œtryingā€ but the gut check that made it finalā€¦ my daughter told me ā€œi wanna grow up to be just like you mommyā€ reality check. A couple of days later the last time husband did or ever will touch meā€¦ And it was BAD. My thoughts to self ā€œYou are showing them how to be and if you are an addict. Youā€™re telling them itā€™s ok. If you are letting them be raised by an abusive addict your showing them itā€™s okay. If you are being abused often and repeatedly and let it continueā€¦ Youā€™re saying thatā€™s okay.ā€ No i will not be THAT example to my kids.


Glad youā€™re fighting. Keep up the good work @Soundlab

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Iā€™m dam proud of you.

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Thanks so much. Its been a journey. But im still on course and dont plan on getting off.


What a great mom you are.


Thanks. I am still working on getting back to my full potential. But im much better than I was 2 months ago.