What made you stop?

What made you stop you DOC? Was it an event or series of events? Or did you just decide to stop one day?


To me was just common sense. It was damaging my life and relationships. But the main even was the birth of my first daughter. What used to be fun brought me so much guilt that i could not enjoy it anymore.

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Almost 25 years of drinking and party, hangovers transformed in panic atacks, from 70 to 100kg , just got tired of feeling bad physical and mental.

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45 years of being a very functioning drunk proudly managing my alcohol. Or was it managing me? Just tired of it I guess. Entering my Bronze Age of 60 and fat drunk and hungover is actually not the way I want to finish this life after all.
Don’t wait as long as I did


I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired no motivation.


I was laid off from my job… for 5 months. During that time I lost my ability to maintain my very high functioning desire to uphold the life I created… it died. I was forced to adapt and practically it made the most sense to so I moved on(very roughly at first.) Once that happened sobriety brought me clarity I never possesed having started intoxicating myself at 15. It’s honestly just better and because it genuinely is, so I genuinely became as well


A series of events. Ones that very easily could have resulted in jail or death

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My star son at age 24 admitted to being a high functioning alcoholic despite his high-paying job and awards. I quit to support him and because alcohol killed my brother. Nothing good comes from this stuff; I wish I’d been a sober role model for my kids when they were younger instead of a wine swiller. Better late than never.


wise man. Your daughter will thank you.

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Just tired of feeling sad and miserable all the time! I want to be happy and do fun things! Alcohol makes me lazy and unmotivated

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My kids and the fear of them growing up doing it the pain inside the body(organs)am 161 days clean from opiates and have a far healthier relationship with my family no cliches here but a clean life is definitely the way forward