What medication help?

Hey guys, i’m Sober for two weeks from morphine, im addict for almost 15 years, i tried a lots of drugs for depression in times when i was Sober but they didn”t help. I tried almost everything and always get to the point when i cant live aby more and try to kill myself. I got 4 suiside attempts in my history, always and up in mental hospital and after that relaps. What can help? What medication helped you when you get Sober from opioids?
Thank you for ANY advises <3


I’m not recovering from opioids but I do live with depression. I visited my doctor and she prescribed me a medication which I still take today; it helps me a lot. Have you visited your doctor yet?


Ofc. Every time im off opio im under medical support and i try different kind of drugs for depression and insomnia. But it never works…im loosing my hope for normal life but i’ll take any suggestion
I try allready zoloft, fluoxetine, duloxetine, venafaxine, bupropion…
And i have problem to get done anythink, even take shower
I have first visit today after detoxing this time, and im looking for some unconventional treatment…mayby smth like methylofenidat? I think its call Adderal in USA

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Try to be as honest as you can be with doctor about your addiction history. Hopefully your doc is fully prepared about addiction so he/she can prescribe appropriate meds, if needed.


I’m an ex opioid abuser, mainly oxycodone but I dabbled with fentanyl. I also suffer from depression. It took months for my mental health to level off after detoxing. The depression during those months was unbearable at times, but what kept me from relapsing was an antidepressant and the thought of having to go thru another awful detox. My advice is to work very closely with your physician and give it time.

This medication is highly addictive. You may find yourself trading one addiction for another. Non addictive alternatives are available.


I know that this is also addictive but its not my type. I try some times koke, amphetamine or metkat staff like this and its never were my thing i fell in love in opio because that gave me inner peace, now i have feeling that if i dont get anything what can make me DO staff i will relaps again :frowning: im so so scare…i dont want opio any more but without energy to do anything my depression puts me back where i start…the medical clinic where im pacient is strictle for addicts so chanse for that kinde of medication are almost 0% but you know…they other ideas for my treatment were also worth a shit….
I also spend 1 year in closed rehab and it also didnt help me…they gave me shit tone of neuroleptics and i felt like zombie…

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You seem to be looking for a substance to change you. You are talking about medications like they will be the solution on their own, like the “right” medication will make everything better. (You are also asking for medical advice from strangers online and saying you don’t like the medical advice you got from real doctors in real life, which is a big red flag. Why are we better than real doctors in real life? And why ask random people online, instead of speaking to a different real doctor in real life?)

The foundation of your life and health needs to be deeper than that, more psychological, or you will not find what you need. (Even if you do use medication, if you do not dig deep into the social and psychological causes of your addiction, the medications will not work.)

What have you done for addiction recovery and sustainable sober living? What addiction recovery groups have you joined? Narcotics Anonymous? SMART Recovery? What other addiction recovery programs / sobriety programs have you joined?


You are right in lot of terms but…im asking stranger people because i have done lot of terapy, lot of closed rehabs as i said erlier- even 1 year in closed rehab facility, different sipport groups, also as you said AN…and i fought that mayby someone who been through something similar can give some advise… as i said im loosing hope so i search help in every płace

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There are meetings happening online and in person all over the world.

In this list, you can search for online meetings in your language:


To check if there is an in-person meeting near you, type in your country on this map and if there are meetings in your country, it will show cities where there is an in-person meeting (there are meetings in many, many countries on many continents, so if you live in any country with at least a medium-size population, there is a good chance there’s a meeting):


Happy to help :innocent:

My advice is that you try every recovery program you can find. One of them will work. There is Narcotics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, Dharma Recovery - there are many more listed here: Resources for our recovery

It takes sustained effort over weeks and months and years for sobriety to continue. It requires you to trust the program and do things you don’t want to do. It requires you to maintain an open mind and recognize that you do not know what is best (because what you have been doing, what you think you know, is what is causing your problem). Recognize that the program needs to be worked fully, completely, and you need to continue for a long time.

My advice is also that you follow the advice of a real doctor. If you want additional medical advice, my advice is that you speak to a different real doctor. You can repeat this with as many real doctors as you want. (If you notice they are all giving you the same advice, then you should follow it.)

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