What should I expect next? 18 days sober

I feel great, 18 days sober. I almost feel over confident about this. Can anyone tell me if this is normal or what i can expect next? Thank you!


I don’t know but it sounds good.

For me it was a roller coaster. Around 18 I felt the same way. Then 5 days later crash hard for 5 days. On and on, still. But I started doing what everyone on here was saying “play the tape through your in your head” so I do. I’m pretty misrable st 93 days but when I play the tape in my head and imagine that first pill all the way through to the end, its fucken ugly and I dont want it.

I hope your journey stays positive but if it doesn’t your not alone and you can do this even if you don’t feel like it.


From my experience, expect that sobriety will not be linear. And that there will always be work and trials ahead. Im not being negative, just keeping it real. Everybody can get it, the hard part is keeping it.

For me the biggest thing in super early recovery was not getting over confident. That WILL happen, and 99% of the time it leads to relapse. Stay vigilant!


What you do each and every day, will have the greatest impact on your sobriety. Stuff is going to happen, LIFE is going to happen. It will be the proactive things that you do today that will see you through the tough patches that come into everyone’s lives.

There’s a reason why soldiers train in peacetime. It is because they know that a battle may come at anytime. They put the work in today, for what may come, tomorrow.

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in battle.


I used to have a big problem with lying. Many of us did. One of the terrible character traits of being an alcoholic. Early on in meetings, I had to practice telling the truth. It just wasn’t in my nature not to fib about something, no matter how insignificant…So I declared the tables at the meeting as being sacred ground. Meaning no lie would come out of my mouth there. If I felt the urge to embellish my story, exaggerate or one up someone, I stayed silent & listened. Even if I wasn’t ready for thorough honesty… I respected those around the table for theirs. It worked for me. And in time, I broadened that circle of honesty to include family, friends, work and eventually with everyone everywhere. Baby steps sometimes :footprints: