What should i honestly, respectfully do?

12 weeks, it has been 12 weeks almost everyday of “friends” coming over and we smoke molly. I dont want it anymore, i know its about people, places, and things, but i invited them into my home, we talked, we communicated we had deep conversations with each other about life and getting better. How do i put a stop to all this molly smoking and not break hearts? Im so confused.


You say: you guys, I’m done w the molly smoking. From now on, only tea and coffee at my house.

Are you in the habit of standing up for yourself? Knowing what you want, even? Cos I for sure had to learn both and still they require work for me.

Do you want to be sober?


Thats a tough situation to be in. I used to have some very strong bonds (or so i thought) with some of my old using “friends” and it was real hard to distance myself from them when i got clean. I remember telling them that I was going clean and sober, and to be honest alot of those “friends” i told, either called me a quitter or chose to keep using around me. It came down to how badly I wanted recovery. I had to make the choice to distance myself from them in order to protect my recovery. Turns out that the only thing we really had in common was drugs and those deep conversations were very superficial and held no real substance. I really needed to put me first and put my recovery first. If they truly are ur friends they will respect ur boundaries :slight_smile:


Breaking their hearts is not your problem. You have to worry about your heart, and health, and life. In your house, you can decide what people can do. They can do whatever in their own place in their time. It is not breaking their hearts to have boundaries.
Edit - I do understand it is simple to say, but uncomfortable to do. Be strong in your right to have boundaries.


How about you doing what’s best for you? Ask your friends to take their Molly elsewhere. If they are true friends,they’ll respect your wishes.

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What is most important to you? Your own sobriety or the feelings of people who only see you as a means to get high?


I guess you made the decision not to go to rehab That offer your bf made about getting clean together doesn’t seem to be working well either. I’m going to sounds like a broken record…changing people, places and things really works. Separate yourself from all users including your bf and if the option to go to rehab is still available, jump on it. Wishing you the best!


One thing i have learned the hard way throughout my entire life is that you have to set boundaries and homd yourself and everyone around you to those boundaries. Friends come and go into your life. The ones that stay with you at your worst are the ones who will respect those boundaries. The friends who dont really were never your friend in the first place. If you dont want people smoking molly in your home just tell them…if they get mad thats on them. Take care of yourself first. Good luck and i hope everything goes well for you

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I look at it from the age old , No means No.
My friends partake, fortunately it doesn’t bother me as my journey is about me and once I decided to stop, I did.
I don’t judge those around me for what they do with their lives.
My strength needs to be in me and for me. When and if you can grab that, what others do or think won’t be relevant.

I still keep my friends and am more choosy when I wish to socialize. If I’m feeling a bit wishy washy, perhaps I avoid. When I’m feeling good, healthy and strong there is nothing anyone can do to sway me.

Hopefully you get it figured out and find your inner peace and strength. Lots of love and hope you do.