What to do about friends/dealers?

Appreciate it, but like I said, they never took what I did, they never pressured me, it’s 100% on me…

Appreciate the advice, and it may be stupid, but I’ve decided a break will do… get enough time between me and the addiction then slowly reintegrate…

If theyre so understanding maybe request they never supply ever again even if you beg and plead…see how that goes

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If your strong enough in your sobriety then it doesnt matter that much if theyre around or not but are u? As an alcoholic i dont have the ability to get rid of my supplier but i still wont drink…this has taken ALOT of time and effort though…9 months so far but il be on this journey for life. From what ive read here im getting the feeling this might not be about your friends but a way of keeping the door slightly ajar…


Not stupid. You know your body and mind best so you may be able to do this. Personally ive attemped to drink moderately many times and it may take for a few days but life always happens im back to my old drinking habits. It took me so long to get here and with so many sober days i dont think i could go through that again (atleast not without causing some serious damage first).
Wishing you the best with your decision- we are here to support you with your sobriety :hugs:


I think perhaps I didn’t emphasis an important point. You have relationships forged while you were in “the life”. These individuals remain in that life, and the fact they perpetuate the life through their dealings.

If you truly desire to put that life behind you, you must change people, places, and things that are associated with it. Anything less is a half-measure. Peace, health, and better well-being are achievable, only if we are willing to sacrifice all of those things that prevent us from achieving them previously.

I wish you well in your journey.