What to do what to do

Today I sit here 10 months sober. I stopped drinking to prove to myself I could. Today I want a drink. I have set a goal to make it a year. But sometimes it’s hard not to just go have a casual drink.


Why did you set that goal?


I hadn’t gone a year without drinking since I had my daughter 12 years ago. I needed a goal and made it a year. I may keep going, I’m not sure yet.
I’ve never really known if I’m an alcoholic or not.
I thought this might help me figure it out.
But I really don’t miss it very much. Casual occasions maybe, that all though.


I would just take it one day at a time. What would you say about the last 10 months compared to the times when you drank?

Glad you’ve joined us here! :orange_heart:


Congrats on your 10 months!

I have found that I have arrived at a place where the idea of a couple of drinks seems completely pointless. I mean, it always did to be honest… It never really stopped at a couple. That was the problem for me.

The only possible benefit I can think of from just having one or two drinks is feeling slightly relaxed and having slightly lower inhibitions. There are much cheaper and healthier ways of achieving this though. I find if I’m spending time doing things I like with people I like, alcohol is irrelevant.

Of course, we all have to decide whether alcohol is a problem for us and therefore whether sobriety is the solution!


Not at all judging…but I have to ask what word (s) you Googled to find this forum. I guess there are people who question whether alcohol is a problem for them, who find it isn’t. But more often than not, it is. As others said…decide whether the last 10 months were better than the drinking months/years. Regardless…way to go on 10 months!

Has drinking caused any problems with your relationships with family or friends? Did people close to you have an issue with your drinking? For me they definitely did. How are your choices when you drink? Do you wake up with no issues or do you wake up thinking omg did I do that? Denial can really be strong I personally will ignore the bad stuff if I really want to drink. I stopped for 6 years then started again, that was in 2015. Here I am now 2 weeks sober. Really be honest with yourself and think about all the reasons you stopped before starting again. Only you can decide if drinking was a problem in your life. If you have been a member here since you quit, go back and read your posts from the beginning. That could really help you to remember those first days of sobriety and what you were thinking and feeling. :hugs:

You set a goal for yourself. If you take a drink short of that goal would that not indicate that alcohol is the one with the control?

I’m not saying you are an alcoholic…ONLY you can make that diagnosis. But I think if you really think you are not then reaching one to ear should not be an issue.


Don’t worry too much about months from now. Focus on today. Are you being your full self today? If you are, it’s a success.

When you say you miss it, is it the ethanol itself that you miss? (Not likely.) Is it the social experience? Is it the feeling of a cool beverage? There is some very good seltzer water (like Perrier) - put some ice, some lime; it’s a very nice way to enjoy a summer day. :innocent:

Dont drink. I was faced with the same decision about 2 weeks ago at 9 months sober. I drank and I wish to God I hadn’t. Im nursing a terrible hangover from yesterday and I feel like dying today. You’ll never regret not drinking.