What topic to pick

So I’ve signed up to chair my home groups Sunday morning meetings for the month of Nov. I’ve done this before so I’m not really nervous. What I’m struggling with right now is coming up with a topic to discuss. When I’m looking for a topic I’ll read from the big book or 12 and 12 until I find something that turns the light bulb on. I’ll also sometimes go with whatever is going on in my life that relates to AA. How do you pick the topic when you’re chairing? Or can you drop some topic ideas for me?


Although alcohol is not my thing I do have lots of ideas of topics that help me to understand my path and my sobriety:

  • moments of transition or change in life: when you get home, when you have to decide what the plan is, when you’re facing a decision (large or small), even something as simple as when you need to start getting ready for bed & you have to choose to start that path of preparing to sleep - those moments of transition in life are where accidents can and have happened, when I am not present for myself, walking myself through it
  • the pull, the voice: dealing with that devil on your shoulder - putting it in its place, while also accepting that it has a place in life (it just does: it’s there, so we have to accept that without succumbing to it)

Good luck at the meeting!


I usually pull out the daily reflection. Topic is usually a bit different each day and it helps. Others are off the cuff or what I’ve been thinking about that day before the meeting.

My old homegroup used to open the floor in the beginning to anyone struggling who needed to share, like now. That always has a topic.


Accepting that recovery is a process and not instantly done


I chair a topic meeting and I ask the group to choose. It usually comes from a share when I ask if anyone has a joy, sorrow or anything affecting their sobriety. Someone always raises their hand and then I pull the topic from their share. Sometimes it’s multiple topics.


Maybe one of these.


My favorite thing to do when I chair a meeting is pick a topic Im working on.


Now and then. My all time favorite.

Or if you want a quick meeting pick a tradition


Or a step for that matter.

Usually I do what @JasonFisher said though. (Which usually means a specific step my sponsor is telling me I’m not doing…)


How did it go?

It went really well. I ended up making a box with all the topic ideas given. I pulled one to start and would pull another one for the next person or they could share on one that had already been pulled.


That’s awesome! I’m happy it worked out :innocent: