What video games have you enjoyed playing recently (since 2020 i guess)?

“The Banishers”. Really good story and storytelling, but way to repetitive, and because of this too long.:disappointed:

But still a really decent game.

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Gensin Impact and Fortnite… I’m not a big gammer lol.

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Oh I know the feeling. I’ve played it day one, and spent countless hours just living in the game. Then I did the story twice at least. And then I spent countless hours on the online side too.
I had to uninstall it many times to avoid the addiction, and after a few months I always want to ride my horse for a few hours, then uninstall it again :sweat_smile:
After all these years it still looks so amazing!
My favorite game, ever

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These days I’m on Battlefield 2042 online. I especially like the 64 vs 64, epic epic. PC players are so fast in the killing process though, guess it’s me who is a bit slow :sob:

I just bought BFF 1, I want to do that campaign!

And I’m on pause on Deadspace, I’m supposed to finish it but can’t find the courage to go back in :partying_face:

I recently finished Elsinore and am playing Persona5 right now.

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I’m also on a Dreamcast emulator these days, I loved this console so much back then :star_struck:

So many fun games and a lot of multiplayer games too, I love that, and sadly it tends to disappear. Now you can play with the whole freaking world but not with your friend sitting next to you :sob:

And for the record, I finally surrendered to Sony when the PS3 came out

Mario Kart with my boys has been a Sunday night tradition, and now my older son’s partner joins us as well. Started on Wii, then WiiU, now on Switch.


I love Mario Kart but I always end up getting my butt kicked. I am so very bad a that game :rofl:


I come in third or fourth usually, these kids seem to have been born with a controller in one fist and a phone in the other!


I have video games tradition with my daughters too, mostly on the Little Big Planet saga, and some other multiplayer games. I love that, it’s so much fun

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Still on Battlefield 2042 and now Crash Bandicoot 4 with my youngest daughter, really fun and challenging