What was your inspiration for getting sober

I’ve been clean 2 months from cocaine and meth I got addicted to meth at age 16 and cocaine at age 18 I was recently able to stop when I lost a loved one at a hotel room in Southaven Mississippi on November 27th 2022 that I was in that day I wanted myself to get sober I started looking at rehabs and detox facilities because I was so fat from home I wasn’t able to get into one without paying for a day by day treatment I was told to go to Baptist health Desoto my life took a turn around when I got there I was admitted through the emergency room on November 29th 2022 for lab work and other stuff to help me find one I was sitting in the room 112 at 14:50pm a nurse practitioner came in and told me she had news I thought it would be about a rehab she said from your results we found something she said when was the last time you had your period I said November 6th I said I was late coming into it this month she looked at me and said because your expecting I was confused what she meant by that so I said excuse me she said your pregnant 3 days 2 weeks that was the biggest news of my life but most inspirational that day if I had any doubt of getting clean it went out the window because it wasn’t just about me anymore it was going to be for my baby today I am doing so much better than I was I have the both of the loves of my life and his family I will be 13 weeks even pregnant with my boyfriends daughter they gave me a motivation I would have never went for in my life and even though on days I get craving I think of this before I didn’t have anything to lose and it felt really hurtful do I really want to mess up everything I have now and go back to feeling that way again
I want to hear your story and if you ever need good advice I’m always here


I started to date someone with 12 years of sobriety. I never thought that was possible.


I had to completely destroy my life. It’s a shitty way to get inspired but it worked.


Congratulations on your 2 months ! And welcome. Great question/topic. I got sober because I saw the affect on my daughter.


My inspiration was I had a choice. I could keep drinking and lose everything good in my life, or I could be sober and have a chance at saving everything good in my life. I chose the latter, and not only did I save everything good in my life, but my life got even better. This keeps me sober, as now I have even more to live for.


Congratulations!! I would set a beer on my kids’ night stand, say prayers with them, take another sip, hear " daddy, you smell like beer". This was becoming a problem. What kind of legacy would I instill on the most important, impressionable people in my life?
Your daughter deserves a sober parent. Children need a sense of love and security that we cannot provide when using.


That’s very good how are you doing now

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That’s very true because you can’t help anyone until you learn to help yourself

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My main inspiration was wanting a better life.

But a short term trigger (the very last time I drank) was because this boss at work with “small man syndrome” shouted at me, degraded and disrespected me… I went home that evening and broke a long streak of soberiety, because of HIM!?! …It seemed to make sense at the time I felt like crap and like I was no good at my job and not respected in any way, but afterwards I realised that I never want to let such a horrid little man have an impact on me, in such a way that I would harm my own body and life by drinking.

I had a real “never again” moment, not just to drink, but to not letting others actions affect me in such a negative way. I try to take the quiet warrior’s path and learn when their anger and bile is more about them than about me. I try to observe it and use it as a lesson of how not to behave, rather than taking on the anxiety that they are attempting to create.


My inspiration was desperation. Not just a bad week, or a bad month, or even a bad year, a long life as a loser that I had parlayed into a lifestyle. I was everything 10 yr old me said I would never be. That scared little kid still lived inside of me and I was scared of myself, who I had become. I gotta do it for me. I cant pour from an empty cup. Heres to better days for you and me :pray:


718 days and counting