What to do…

hi there, i have problems with alchocol for a very long years, more or less these last 6 months im kinda managing it, taking control. i have two kids, 15 and 9. they seen a lot bad stuff from my side. but in general there is one super big problem, when i am clean for days and weeks, my wife have wine every single day, 7 days a week. many times i begged her, not to bring home any alchocol, but she do that all the time. when i ask her, dont you see this massive problem with drinking, she says NO…. and im here trying to get clean for real, but all i see is she passes out after 2 bottles of wine every single day. In the mornings she dont have hangover, she is so used to drinking, that its like normal part of the day. she also uses a lot of painkillers, she dont admit that, but i can see that. when she drinks, she gets verbaly abusive to all our family. and its this never ending story, we have cool converstaions about everything, and then the first drink is in, i have a freling i need to go away, i dont want that anger, that stupidity, every day i pray, that maybe today there will be no drinks for her. But if i have some drink in some weekend, she gets angry. I dont know what to do, where to go, i dont want to see every day drinking, especialy, when i try to recover from booze problems…


Oh man, unfortunately I don’t have advice for you, just wanted to say you are not alone, I’m trying to figure out what to do with my relationship as well. My husband DOC is not alco (mine is) but coke, he’s drinking beer almost every day but small amounts, one or two. But I can’t stand him on coke and even worse - day or two after, when he’s extremely nervous and annoyed by anything.
It’s heavy shit being with someone in active addiction. Wish you best.
It’s great you are sober! Don’t give up on that.


I’m single but I see the problem friend. Maybe there’s some helpful stuff in this thread:

Hope so. Wishing you all the best.