Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?

Thank you so much! Yes thats definitely my top priority. :yellow_heart:


I didn’t know that existed. Thank you so much! I’ll check that out as well. :yellow_heart:


Oh my goodness for sure. I have some and I just reordered more because the past two times its taken 2 to 3 doses. Thank you so very much I was wondering if they might have one for narcotics. Im feeling a lot more clear headed this evening and trying to get him into an intensive rehab center. Hopefully by choice rather than by force. But i will do whatever I have to do at this point. Only problem is all the waiting lists where drugs are so bad in our state. But im not going to stop trying. I appreciate all of y’all for all the help and support! :yellow_heart:


I am so very sorry love - i can’t even imagine what you are going through. I do hope that you are able to get your son into an intensive rehab center. Sending you love and comfort in your intense time of need - do hope that your son get the help he needs and is able to shed this addiction.

I just wanted to lend my support. :people_hugging: :heart:


Thank you so much Jazzy! :yellow_heart:


He’s a fine young man. Smart, funny and a really hard worker. He just got with the wrong crowd drinking beer and messing with stuff that can kill him and he is a bit mixed up right now. I’m doing all I can to get him help and praying hard he can pull through this. Making him understand how much he is loved and matters is difficult but I think it’s sinking in because he’s actually opening up and admitting what he’s done. I stumble every day for the magic word’s to make a difference. One thing I do know is I have to keep my faith that he will get better. I had faith in my sister and shes doing much better. Jail helped her out. She just got out last month. I had her daughter for about a year. Hoping and praying for her too. I’ve stated before I can help me. Its trying to get through to my loved one’s is the real challenge in my life right now. God Bless :yellow_heart:


Hope, at Last

Knowing that I was not alone, that other members of Al- Anon were in the same situation as I was, struggling with the same disease, allowed me to deal with the shame and guilt associated with the disease. It also allowed me to share more easily and understand that, in asking others for help and in listening to their experience, strength, and hope, I was able to allow myself to shed some of my pain and begin to heal the hole in my heart.

Understanding that I was powerless over alcohol and its effects on my family allowed me to gain some sense of manageability in the home. *I no longer felt that it was up to me to fix everything or that I was to blame for what was happening in our lives. I found that by accepting the situation as it was, I could find some sanity. I was no longer allowing obsessive thoughts to fill my every waking moment and every sleepless night. By understanding that I was powerless, I suddenly found I could sleep, and I had more time to do other things. I no longer sought refuge in my car, listening to the same song over and over again, crying all the time. I was finally able to function with sanity, hope, and manageability.

By Manette M., California February, 2020


Not an ideal night tonight. Hubs came home drunk from his bartending job. A lot of the victim martyr conversations that I remember from my drinking days were had in one sided tirades about how he wants to abandon it all and start over elsewhere. “It all” includes me in this scenario. :disappointed:

It’s hard not to take drunk conversations personally and my patience runs thin. I ended up bringing him a notebook where he can maybe, hopefully write out all the things he wants to change in his life. I can’t fix it.


Thinking about you and giving you a hug while you deal with this… the notebook sounds good.


Sigh, I hear you :people_hugging: I remember being fed up with this kind of talking/listening to with my ex. To be honest for me it WAS personal to some degree because WTF I’m not the dustbin for every drunk pity party about annoyances. So sorry you have to deal with it, it is exhausting. I can relate to patience running thin. It’s heartbraking to hear your loved one talking about starting over without you.

Typing out the thoughts sounds like a good idea, I hope it works for him and you. He can go back and re-read the thoughts, working on coming to terms if he really wants change or just complain about the situation.

Hope you can find some relief in being kind and caring to yourself. Healthy boundaries. Sending you hugs and kindness :people_hugging:


I’m sorry my friend - that does sound like a frustrating sad evening. I can only imagine the hurt felt hearing those words.

This was a brilliant idea. I do hope he starts to write it down and can take time to re-read his thoughts (especially the ones written in a drunken state) and figure out what he really wants out of life.

You do not deserve to be made to feel this way. Sending you loads of love my friend! :heart: :people_hugging: :heart:


Ya it’s wicked hard. Been working on that one seems like forever.

It’s a catchy acronym, but when the words cut to my heart it still hurts.



Thanks all. I was up late last night looking at apartments prematurely and imagining a different life. For a long time in our relationship I was always in a push him away mode. Once we got married I leaned hard into that co-dependency and got comfortable being loved. It might be time to gather my independence and stand aloof for a while. It is strange how comfortable I am in push people away mode.

You guys are great. I appreciate all of you. :mending_heart:🫶🏼


Update. We had a nice conversation full of apologies and wants explained. I was able to articulate that the true basis of my insecurity (I would be “fine” on my own) was him bringing up a co-worker whose presence in my husband’s life has always made me feel insecure.

He still has lots of work to do for his own happiness but at least I got to articulate my feelings. Who knows where we go from here but it does feel like growth.

Growth is only possible when I choose sobriety. Had this fight occurred when I was also drinking it would have been two hurt people screaming at each other. Onward!


Wow Emilie
Thank you for the update. Grateful that the two of you were able to talk it out. Love growth!

Whatever the future may hold, you know that you are able to a) handle it sober and b) do so independently if needed.

So happy for you dear friend. It must feel like a huge load has been lifted after your talk. :heart:


I know that nothing is fixed yet but it is growth for me to be able to express my feelings soberly. He has some of his own work to do around this as do I. I will never be done improving myself. Thanks @JazzyS @Dazercat @Alisa @erntedank :heart:


Eric, I’m stealing this :pray:


This is really great to hear!
I wish my ex would have talked and listened …


It does.