What's everyone reading?

I finally started The Naked Mind, I’m doing the audiobook because I’ve been so busy lately and I don’t want to keep putting it off.

I’ve heard a lot of different reactions to it so I’m interested to finish it and see how it is for myself.


I e got 2 on the go…

The first one is about fasting. Previous attempts to stop drinking have led to me putting on weight, which always makes me depressed and makes me want to drink again.
The second book is the kind of no nonsense book you can dip in and out of when necessary.

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I re-read rule 2 from 12 Rules for Life this morning. Needed it. It’s the most important book in my recovery for sure.


Finished Fair Warning by Michael Connelly, then read Perfectly Wounded the autobiography of Mike Day the Navy SEAL who survived being shot 27 times. I highly recommend it. Especially for anyone suffering from depression or PTSD. I just started The Hunger Games. I know I’m wat behind. Never saw the movies. My sister highly recommended the books as opposed to the movies and I’m actually really into the first book. I’ve read well over half of it in 2 days.

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Thanks for the recommendation, I’m going to check that book out.

I really like this, thanks for attaching the photo!


I love Andrew Pyper’s books!

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I wasn’t too thrilled with that particular book. Did you watch the tv show?

The correspondence of Fryderyk Chopin. Work related, but even so enjoyable.

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Bought Mythos on your recommendation. Fantastic!


Wow, I’m glad you like it! I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. I still haven’t finished it, it’s a lot of fun, literally.

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Nos4A2 by Joe Hill
Steven Kings son.

Haven’t been able to put this down!! About a mom and her son running from a cartel from Mexico to America.


I finished This Naked Mind last night and just downloaded No Hero by Mark Owen, which someone here recommended. Starting that today.

It is a stunning book about survival, healing, changing one’s mindset, mental freedom. It gives a tool to cope with life, it teaches how to live freely. It can be useful in recovery, having PTSD, or in any life situation really.


Surviving three days on a mountain with no kit after an avalanche broke one leg, ribs and left him totally battered.
I’ve met the guy. He runs the company I do all my Navigation stuff with.
Nice guy, loads of respect for people who prove their worth.
He said I’m obviously fitter than I look!


Of course! I recommend it to literally everyone

Hey @Meggers changed your username? I just finished The Alloy of Law. Book 4 in the Mistborn series. Have you read the companion trilogy? The ending of the 4th was good. Lots of references back to the original series, though its supposed to be 300 years after.

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I’ve got three books on the go at the moment.

  1. big book AA.
  2. Living sober
  3. the steps we took Joe mcq

Yeah, changed the name a little while ago. Needed more goofy in my life.

I’ve never read the second series of Mistborn, I think the third book in Stormlight came out. Lately I’ve been struggling through Dune Messiah. Dune was amazing, Messiah is great but sloooow. But still pushing through.

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