What's everyone reading?

I’m about to finish Stephen King’s The Outsider. What’s on your guys’ night stands?


Dune. Almost finished with the first book. It’s very good!


Gotta love some quality space politics

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Jeffrey Eugenides: Middlesex

and Stephen Fry: Mythos


I had no idea how deep the book would be. I’ve tried reading it twice before, but the constant shifting of point of view made it hard to get into. This time I just went with it.

How is Mythos???

Just finished A MILLION LITTLE FIRES. Plunging into THE BROKEN GIRLS. Finished MEXICAN GOTHIC which I loved!

I enjoy it a lot, it has tons of information, but still really easy to read, it has a great style. I used to be quite unfamiliar with Greek mythology, so it has a lot of new information for me. I’m a translator (not from eng) so I enjoy the etymological references throughout the book.

Have you tried Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series? Now that is a good one! I did a combo of reading and listening on Audible because I travel so much for work. It almost seems to tie ALL of his writings together!


I couldn’t get past the third book. But it’s been about 18 years. I want to reread The Stand though, first. After the entire Dune series. Lol

Read these years ago. Good books

Read this. Took the wife to see him in Oxford last year when he toured it.
Great man!

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The Stand is by far my favorite! I think Audible really helped me get through all of them, don’t know if I could have read all of them.


just finished

It was a great read


Stephen King! He’s the best, read all he wrote!
Busy with reading this book now, something completely different:

It’s a book about mourning. It’s about how to survive loosing someone you love.
Living with loss and learning from it…

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman. Only a few pages in but it is so far hilarious! A bank robbery gone wrong

I am listening to Dark Tower right now!
I have read them all multiple times. I even named my first born Roland… like for realz😉

I have never listened to an audiobook before this. But I had a long road trip and now haVe a long commute to work. So I thought, what the hell? And I’ll tell ya what, I love it!! Listening really brought a whole new experience for me on a book series that I knew pretty well.

Anyways, I am on Wolves of the Calla now. Knee deep in Callahans Story. And I can’t wait till tomorrow morning so I can drive 2 hours to work at 5 am!!


Kinda sounds like my job ha! What a noble name- Roland. Good choice! I really loved the series too- Callahan was such in interesting character and storyline. It’s amazing to me that Stephen King was able to tie so many of his stories together so seamlessly. I may have to start over listening to them!

And the BIG BOOK yet again.