What's everyone's opinion on how society normalizes alcohol abuse?

Not everybody abuses alcohol. I’m sure there’s plenty of casual drinkers see those ads and buy into the premise without abusing it. There are people who drink responsibly. Like most of my family, they can literally have a beer or split a beer with someone or a glass of wine and call it good. I can’t imagine sitting there opening up that first one and then sitting there metabolizing that alcohol until … bedtime? the next day? Give me access to another six at least!


One word greed
It’s all about the money money money


I agree there! Money money money. Alcohol will never be banned the government makes way too much off it and the hospital bills that are being paid due to the damage it costs!!


I live in Las Vegas also. After kickball last night I went to a bar called Scenic brewery with my teammates. The bar actually closes at Midnight! I couldnt believe there was a bar in Vegas that actually closes.

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Whhaatt? Wow! I live in northern Nevada but I’ve been to Vegas a couple times and every time I almost die, completely sober. Lol. That place is crazy. My husband went to southern California once by LA and couldn’t find anywhere to get a drink and it was like…1 or 2am. They apparently stop selling alcohol at like 11. It was weird for him, coming from here lol.

In the U.K it’s crazy to the point that it’s engraved in every aspect of society. The government houses of parliament have like a dozen bars that see politicians regularly drunk in. Some have admitted to voting on legislation whilst being drunk.

I was in the army and binge drinking is not only permitted but is expected.

The cold hard fact of the matter is that if alcohol was invented tomorrow it would be a class A drug and considered a massive danger to society.

But it was invented thousands of years ago and is just part of life in the same way food or sleep is


So true. The damn Bachelor! And EXCELLENT point on leaving the drug environment vs the normal, social drinking scene which is everywhere, active, alive and well, full of invitations to indulge in numbness. It really is a conscious thing and it’s terrifying. Day 41 for me…hanging in there. Have my AA app, but haven’t needed it yet.
I did “Sober Superbowl” with my best gf and she opted out of drinking on my behalf. Went to 2 different sports bars and not ONE GUY offered to buy us a Shirley Temple or a Hot Tea! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Shirley Temple was $3.75 and the beer was cheaper. Yeah…the world isn’t set-up for sobriety. Too much money to be made!
Think about this: I had a breathalyzer on my car after a DUI. If every car in production had one on it, maybe loosen it where you could blow a 1.0 BAC and your car would start, but anything over? No go. The LIVES saved. Don’t get me wrong. I HATE overgoverning, and too many laws. And I’d hate it. But if they REALLY were concerned about lives over the alcohol lobbyists money, they’d have done it years ago.
Too much to gain on us drinkers! Those jackasses. Cigarette ads are gone b/c of underage drinking. Now it’s on to vaping. It’s really tough on drinkers.


Yep…at least. I’m on Day 41 and terrified of slipping. I’m good so far. But I dance around the idea of “just one”. But, nope! Impossible. I drink until I’m at LEAST moderately buzzed. At least. I do admit it’s nice not being hungover. And I’m eating better, not drinking my lunch or dinner.
I envy those that quit when the buzz hits. I am not that person.


Class A! Another excellent point! Never thought of it like that!

Totally true. I live in Poland. Drinking is kinda our national tradition. Few beers after work is normal thing. Also vodka is national drink. Often people like to buy it in small 100/200 ml bottles and drink it when going on walk. Btw beers are always half a liter or bigger and usually 5% or stronger. And noone saying bad word when you drink 6-10 and the party.


It’s embedded into Mexican culture.

To be a man you have to be able to put shots away. Hell, I’m great at that… but I’ve seen cousins just hit the concrete from passing out…

Traditions are horrible, kids 1st b day party? Let’s get tore up!!!

I think it also has to do with poverty, if you don’t got money to vacation and stuff, you have at least enough for a bottle and good music…

Since everyone is poor, it’s normal to drink.

It’s a reason I don’t really hang with family anymore, al they do is drink.


Yes, I have had the same feeling (though in my own case I am more of a moviegoer than a reader). My experience of recovery so far has given me an appreciation for art as a vehicle for exploring my life and my perspectives. I personally find it very therapeutic (sketching and visual art particularly): I find in art a path to - seeing myself and my world more clearly than I did before :innocent:


True point there saying alot of it has to do with poverty. When your poor you are depressed. It’s a fact. These days you need money to have fun and to live. And then it’s not enough. So why not drink and feel relaxed for a bit eh


I use to replace my meals with alcohol too. Definitely not healthy.


I don’t hate alcohol. I only hate my relationship with it. I’m not mad at alcohol. I’m mad at myself for abusing it.

There are 4 adults in my house. 3 of them are very light drinkers. My wife’s Dad has a very small glass of wine or a single beer with his dinner, about 3-4 times a week. My wife’s Mom might have a cocktail when dining at a restaurant. My wife might have a glass of wine or two per week.

That’s who the advertisers are marketing to. It’s a sustainable market. Alcoholics aren’t a sustainable market. We drink till we quit, or die. We’d drink even if prohibition came back.

At least that’s the way I see it. Your mileage may vary.


I love that…you’ve found a vehicle for self-reflection. I really do LOVE that. If there is ANYTHING positive we can focus on in the midst of our battles, is something to look forward to and something that encourages growth. I feel that the more we grow, we are relearning and growing AWAY from our addictions. I reward myself for little milestones. On Day 30, I tried street legal drag racing at our track in So Cal. I lost 5 out of 6 times, but I got pretty damn good at my reaction time and learned how to burn out. I’m a 48-yr old divorced mom in recovery so I have given myself a HALLPASS for virtually ANYTHING that isn’t alcohol (or DOC).
Art…that’s a really good one. I have the problem of finding hobbies that don’t cost a lot. I have horses, just decided I NEED more HP and torque in my whip, ugh! All money.
My “Sober Superbowl” and my $3.75 Shirley-Fn-Temples cost more than the giant beer glasses. I’ve had a gym membership that I’ve neglected. I’ve started going there. If even only for the sauna. :slight_smile:


For me it’s the steam room. Always feels good :innocent:

The beauty is we each find our own paths of being creative right? We’re human; we need to explore our nature and our world. Recovery is all about exploring: who am I? What if I do this? Or this? Or this? We explore what the world can be, consciously sober.

Wow! Horses! Do you have a horse? Do you visit a stables?

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Going out is and always a thing in the UK. We call it any excuse to get drink. Getting through the day, let’s get drunk, won a fiver on a scratch card, let’s get drunk, cousin Johnny is coming up let’s get drunk, football is on let’s get drunk and coked up, the sun is shining let’s get drunk, we lost the football let’s get drunk, I got the job let’s get drunk, bbq time let’s get drunk, birthday let’s get drunk. Literally any excuse to get wrecked.


That’s what I meant, the STEAMROOM. Just went out to feed (my horses…I have 2) and I’m FREEZING! It’s not even really “winter” where I am, but have had that “chill” for 2-days. Only cure is that dang room! I’ve learned to use it in the evenings b/c I’m useless after a while in there!

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I always said I could but looking back that never happened for me neither unless I ran out and was the only one here drinking… :100:

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