Whats the most discusting place you've woken up drunk

Id say. Get yaself a handfull of those memories Tstrange if ya back in one day one again. !! Good luck buddy.

You have my utmost respect for posting this. It takes a strong beautiful person to openly tell that story.

Well I am a "functioning alcoholic " :rofl: woke up usually in my own bed or behind the wheel of my car. Let’s just say I lost alllllot of jewelry! and at least one shoe per outing

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I try not to focus on these memories, I’ve had my fair share of drama and shame and there is no point ruminating.
I will, however, share a story which reflects my complete inability to realise where I was and what I was doing when I drank, I am really lucky to be alive.
Once I was drinking for 3 days in a row, passed out and my friends were on their way to camping. I had no idea but having passed out, they just placed me in the car and drove to a beach. I woke up late at night, drank more and passed out again. Not only I didn’t know where I was when I woke up but it turns out that the beach they chose was a nudist one. Opened my eyes dying from thirst, lying in the sand with a heat of 41 degrees with 2 men’s ‘anacondas’ hanging over my head. I can almost feel how dreadful and hilariously tragic that day was as I had no way of going back home.
I do not miss a single thing from all these but I do keep a list of all the ridiculous drama I got myself into, knowing that they are all only a drink away.


Countless piss-drenched beds, floors, and sofas.

I also used to go into the bathroom at work when I was hungover and go to sleep on the floor during my break, right next to the toilet. It was the only room i could turn off the lights and lock myself in.

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Just countless beds that were not mine… Had threesomes both ways. Never ever would have I have slept with as many people and done as many odd things sober. It is not me. I have also have woken up in my car at a park, on the ground inside of a closet. Bathroom floor. Outside on the lawn. And once half way inside of a tent with my phone in my pocket soaked in my own urine… Ewwww… Oh my goodness… wow I didn’t realize how much I needed to rite something like this on this feed I haven’t reflected on these memories in a very very very long time.


DJdugsta I’m new here but I do not want to ever forget my rock bottom it’s my fuel to be a better me ever day! that rock bottom you speak of I can’t and don’t want to forget it’s what I used as my foundation to build my almost 2 years of sobriety on.

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Being assaulted

Oops. Not meant to be in response to Jessi. That’s just the worst time coming to.

It is such a crazy filled past us addicts have carried with us. But you are right, onward and upward :clap:

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