What's the point anymore?

I was just coming to say this! One of the very strange weird linings of this whole situation we’re all in, is that information, help and expertise has largely never been this available at our fingertips. A computer is really all we need to bring a therapist into the fold right now. It sounds like your young enough that you would have some type of insurance?

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I’m so sorry you are going through this. You are so brave to reach out and I commend you on that. First of all, you are worth being on this earth! You just need to figure out what your passion is and everything will fall into place. Please don’t give up, believe me when I say, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it may not be too bright right now but give it time. I believe in you! Stay strong!


We do care and you are important!
Hang in there, this will pass…


Very well said :+1::blush::clap::blush:

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Look at everyone taking the time to make sure you are alright , you see there’s good in this world.

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What a lovely post…thanks for sharing!!

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Nice post. It is so true, I owe my current sobriety to Talking Sober and the caring friends I’ve met here.


Good, actually