Whats the point

Only time i feel ok is when im tipping the bottle i hate myself and i hate the fact i dont make shit for money. I serioisly feel like the im missing the point of everything and the idea of ending it walk right through my mind on a daily basis. I aint gonna talk to anyone about it except here so dont tell me to gwt help. I feel like a frontier man with no damn frontier

Here’s a different perspective. If you have a low/zero slush fund, going dry and sober will automatically add more money to the bank account.


“What is the point” is something I whisper to myself constantly. And I have learned I will always find an excuse to drink. Always. Even if I’m still sick from the night before. Because 1 way to not feel hungover?: get drunk again…

This may help… picture you have a child. YOUR baby. Coming up to you and asking you the same thing. What’s the point? How do you think you would respond? It’s easy to find excuses, but it is not easy to find the real reason in staying sober. Recovery is a second by second process. Take as little or as much of it as you need. There is always a good reason to stay hungry for being sober :slight_smile:


What is the point? If drinking makes you happy, do it. If it don’t and you can’t stop on your own you’re gonna have to get humble and ask for help.

Drinking almost never leads to making more money, alcohol is a depressant and will keep you in your self pity and self resentment.

No one runs your life but you, there are rarely handouts and we only get 1 life to live the way we want it.


Well, I get it. I felt like my life was in a rut & alcohol numbed that for me. I had to look hard for something to get better for. I bounced between sobriety and relapsing multiple times for years. I was so tired of the constant battle that I wanted to end it. But I finally got sober for real and started changing things about my life one at a time. I started small, doing little things that I wanted to do. You want to have pizza tonight and binge watch netflix?? Do it. You wanna go to the beach and watch the waves at night while drinking a coffee? Go! Once I took on that mentality things started looking up . I was taking care of myself and doing things to make myself happy while protecting my sobriety.

Hang in there, you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for


Some of us had been there,but imagine your friends and family you say you have no frontier then make one I don’t make any money either but just in 4 days I’ve had more in pocket in between paydays buy a game or go to movies or a show or buy yourself a hat things can get better I’ll be damned if I ever go broke again 72 hours after payday after bills of regularly go to liquor store and get two pints of Beck’s and a couple of shots $66 a week in alcohol now I have money

I know when I quit drinking and drugging, i saved money. Also, i work a full time job and dont make shit. I live paycheck to paycheck, juggling the bills. Have you thought about applying for a different job? Have you thought about trying to sell a few things you dont want or need on Facebook or at a flea market to get just a little extra. Have you thought about picking up a second job. Maybe even thought about going back to school. All these things are possible as long as we stay sober… also just want to throw out there that I’m doing what I can to make ends meet and to support my wife. Do what you can…