Im a binge drinker and to be completely honest i dont know why i dont stop untill im passed out or very drunk.why dont i stop after one or two drinks
It’s kind of a slippery slope. In a normal (non-drinking) situation you’d stop yourself from doing something bad and embarrassing. Your self-control will kick in and you’d say to yourself “Hey, this is not what I want to do”.
The thing about alcohol is that it slowly weakens your control as you consume it. By the time where you get to the point where you should really stop, the tipsy part you mentioned, you don’t have a lot of control left and you just keep on drinking.
I don’t get it either. I used to say that I would limit myself to two drinks but always went full steam ahead. I just don’t have a stopping mechanism.
Moustly like i do… i allways drink till victory … thats piss me off.but from other point of view . I want to stop drink at all or be in a vagon for few years and find my self…
I’m a binge drinker when it comes to being at home. I noticed if I’m at home and the kids are asleep, I end up drinking all night. I’ll tell myself just a couple and eventually drink everything…I don’t seem to have the problem if I go out to dinner and have a glass of wine with my meal, I won’t even finish or hardly touch the glass. But if I’m at home where I’m comfortable, the minute I open the bottle of wine you can expect me to be up until it’s gone. I’ve got 11 days sobriety now and haven’t touched any alcohol. I find it’s just better if I don’t and I don’t allow boredom to get a hold of me.
I like the escape of binge drinking hard and letting go of all my inhibitions. Ive had a alot of fun while drinking but always suffered after for days at a time. I never could just stop after a couple and if I did i felt like I was missing out on having an even better time. These are all just false beliefs thou and if I really want let go there are sober ways to do that.
Some scientific food for thought.
Try to do not keep alcohol at home it should reduce a chance to drink
I was a binge drinker big time - a tual fact I was drinking my problems away, but then morning comes and they still there, and you feel even worse then you pick up another drink and so the circle continues. I will do my utmost best not to go back there again!
My problem is once I have a few beers the pace picks up and I will drink faster and faster until my stocks are depleted.
I have the same problem. I would always say I was going to have one or two but never stopped there. I think the reason I continued was the fear of losing the “buzz”. I wanted the feeling to continue but once having more than 2 I couldn’t tell that things were just getting blurrier and blurrier and then i would eventually pass out. In my head I was having a great time and I’m sure the other people who were drunk were too. But in all reality the sober people were looking at us as total dummies. I’m still trying to answer this question. I’m only at day 6 so I’m sure thing are going to get brighter with time and a lot of meditating on way I was that way.