What's YOUR plan?

Thank you, some parts of the content answered most crucial things I went thru and couldn’t explain by myself. Great post, article. Love it


What a work Dan! :smiling_face:
But my compliments!


Awesome stuff Dan. Thanks so much. Only thing I might want to emphasize is getting medical assistance when actually quitting. Next to alcohol, detoxing from GHB (which is not popular in North America but it is here) is life threatening when done on your own.

When you have used a lot of cocaine your heart can be compromised. Prolonged use of ketamine and nitrous oxide can cause severe nerve damage. And detoxing from any drug (including alcohol and cannabis) can cause psychosis, paranoia, delusions and delirium.

The more you used the more danger you run. So please be aware of that. I know not everybody has access to health care which is a bloody scandal. Please make an effort to get some medical help.

Quitting is always better than continuing your use by the way. Don’t let what I say be an excuse not to quit. When you keep using the damage will only increase. Just be sure to take care.


This is an excellent piece of work! Thank you very much!

I’ve encountered a vast amount of the things you mentioned during my start of sobriety. Because of this I strongly encourage people in early sobriety to read it.


Great information for everyone no matter where they are in their journey! Reflecting on my first year I could easily relate to the phases. I particularly enjoyed the part about PAWS and did not know it could take up to two years to fully re-wire the brain. Definitely agree with keeping yourself busy no matter what stage you are in. The grind of life can be burdensome but having a plan and activities to work through really does help and takes away the idle time in which temptations and doubts can creep in. Thanks again!


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this out and give me some real help!


Thank you. Very useful reminders. I’m 8 days alcohol free, been here many times before, and sometimes get ahead of myself. This usually ends up in buying a bottle of wine. This is very helpful to remind me that I’m still at the beginning of my journey. Thank you


I LOVE this Dan, thank you for this absolute gold my friend! :heart:


I cannot stress enough how great this post is (I was just reading it again). This should be published and handed out to people in treatments, at meetings, at Dr. Offices. This is such a great compacted hand guide that I cannot say enough, comment enough, or thank you enough for creating this.


Awesome job @HoofHearted thank you! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Wow Dan! So much time and effort must have went into this. Super well done and I’m sure it will help so many people :slight_smile:
Thanks for doing it!!!


Oh wow, yeah I do things one day at a time, keeping it simple.


Thank you for this :purple_heart:


I’m still learning. This is very good. How do I save it to read again?


Here ya go.

Then add your bookmark.

To access it, click on your avatar photos and look for the bookmark symbol from the first photo.


This is definitely been a very good reading in very helpful as I am going through PAWS! I do plan to reread this very Informative! Have a blessed day


The bookmark is helpful also I may have responded to the wrong one since I am dealing with a broken wrist which I broke September 18th. And i’m getting ready to go to the doctor so i’m a little nervous sorry if I mess this up.

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Thank you for this! I am suffering from PAWS! PLEASE LEAVE THIS UP SO I CAN FINISH READING AND ABSORBING TY SO MUCH! Sorry about the caps, i have been thinking my warly recovery is like a game of Dodge ball smh! Im hacing things thrown at me from many directions! I am blessed with a strong belief in my higher power and astrong faith! Once again ty! Hoping PAWS part ends soon, leaves me feeling like an airhead! Ty

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Thanks for this article. I’m 30 days sober today and the pink cloud, I have never heard of it till now, is definitely what I’ve been feeling. So are some of the less great things you mentioned, like boredom and a rollercoaster of emotions. I’m trying to navigate these things, and this has definitely helped.


@HoofHearted Thank you for this! What a great reminder of the road ahead. Sobriety is a life long journey, ups and downs are a guarantee. Having a plan is what keeps us on track. I’ve very grateful for this community and knowing there are so many amazing people in this world who truly want to see people succeed! Thank you again!