Whay do you do to stay sober day to day?

So i read on the app daily and ive noticed a lot of relapses lately… Or titles like back at it again. There is hope! Its very possible to get sober and stay sober! Now youre talking to someone thats has had many relapses in the past. But today, im almost 10 months sober. Now thats not a whole lot of time, but it is a start. I just wanted to tell you guys how i stay sober and i hope others comment how they do it.

Theres many ways to recover and not one way is the right way. But ill tell you whats working for me…
Not everyday is a good day, but i try to stay positive and do the next right thing, no matter whats going on… I try to respond rather than react to situations. I can be real quick to pop off at the mouth. I try to get out of self, my head, and help someone else.

Now with that being said, what kinds of things do i do all day long? Well i have a routine, its not the exact same everyday, but the just of it is… This routine has helped me not use or drink. I wake up, start some coffee, feed my animals, smoke ciggs, get on my phone, read a daily meditation whether it be Just For Today or a Daily Reflection, theres many out there. I get ready for work, pray to my higher power omw to work, and then start my shift. I work 8 hours, go to an AA meeting, go home, shower, watch tv, play on my phone, spend time with my soon to be wife, eat, go to sleep. And thats one day down without drugs or alcohol.
Weekends are a bit different because im off work. But i stay busy!!! Thats very important, in the beginning especially. I have formed some hobbies or healthy habits such as, AA meetings, writing, art, walking, going for a drive, going to a park, looking at beautiful scenery, photography, reading, helping someone else, if i lived near the beach you bet id be there! Im going to get a guitar and learn to play. I want to buy a good camera one day to get better quality pictures. Sometimes i play video games, go shopping, text people, call my sponsor or someone in my support group, i go bowling with friends, out to dinner also. Exercise. Theres absolutely tons of things to do. Now im in a pretty rural area, so there’s not much here. But you have to get creative. Being alone and in my head is the worst place to be. Im my own worst enemy at times!

I also get outside help, other than just staying busy or going to AA. I see a therapist twice a month. Im on medication for anxiety and depression. See a psych every 6 months, sooner if needed.

I hope this helps someone. I needed someone to tell me what to do because i didnt have a clue how to live day to day sober.

Summary - get a routine, stay busy, fill your time with healthy activities.
An idle mind is the devils playground.

Comment below how you stay sober day to day?


Stay busy. Boredom is my biggest trigger. I am also laying off caffeine. Not altogether, but limited.

I am on AD as well, very low dose, every other day.

I destress with a good workout, lots of cardio.

I have work and family, busy weekends, very active. But slow evenings and stress can get me. So I stay busy online or watching movies. I am also an author, so that helps, and I have a side business in the oil field.

There is never an excuse for me to be bored.

Anyway, the key is to keep busy, stay active and moderate my stress.

Time is fleeting. Madness takes its toll. But listen closely. .


I try to stick to a routine of some sort… that way I don’t give my mind anytime to start wondering or think for it’s self… wake up- coffee and some type or morning meditation… then I walk my dog ( ruca she’s a Rottweiler and my ace) come home and workout… usually consisting of lifting heavy shit and running. Avid runner. Then eat shower … internet it up a bit… Read … conspiracy theories are life …usually I throw in hiking - rucking… frequent the comic book shop … tanning even if it’s bad for me :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:… spartan races have changed my life they are pretty cool. I try to volunteer in my community anytime there’s something. And if all else fails sleep … sleep is the ultimate escape :joy::joy::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


that sounds like a vacation!

Wow! Your like my sober routine twin!

430am Alarm- coffee, daily supplements and packing my gym bag out the door.

The first hour is dedicated to picking up heavy things and throwing them down. The second hour is performing variety of cardio.

Through all of this I got my favorite music blasting in my ears! I normally follow up with 10 minute dry sauna relaxation and then off to the hot tub. I’ll throw in a hydro message and tanning bed to mix it up every once in a while.

8 hrs of work. By the time I get home I’m exhausted! I’ll catch a tv show or read a book.

Weekends - I normally keep the same gym routine and hours. Except, If I have a race planned, hike or cycle ride. If not I volunteer at the local animal shelters. (Animal lover here!). Sunday’s- Gym and church/meditation. I’m normally do all my meal prep for the coming week, laundry and linings, and a super cleaning around the house.

I’m always looking for motivation videos on YouTube along with anything else I find inspiration.

I guess I really have no time to even think about drinking. I’m so done with the bar/club scene, it’s not even a part of my thought process. Initially it bothered me to lose my social drinking circle, they were about the only people I hung out with. I’ve found peace in myself, and don’t mind being alone and concentrating on my personal goals.

Best of luck people it is possible! Stay committed to yourself!


I really don’t “do” anything to stay sober, I just got sick and tired of how I was living and decided that part of me was over. Now I do go to the gym every morning before work and ride my bike extremely long distances every weekend. But, I did that when I was drinking too. I guess saving those extra calories from beer and seeing improvements in my fitness keeps me motivated, but I don’t have urges or cravings to fight off. No will power to exercise. One to remember though is that it’s a choice. It always has been, always will be. Lately I’ve been wondering if I should even still be here, I feel like I don’t belong, perhaps I didn’t even have a problem. Still ain’t going to drink though. Sober weekends are better than hungover ones 100% of the time.


I work 6-7 days and am taking three college classes. I had an internship and two classes this past spring and took three classes over the summer. My days consist of homework mostly. Days off I tend to sleep a lot. I remind myself that sobriety is my number one goal with education a close second. A day of doing nothing but staying sober is a victory! I am wondering what I will do when I am finished with my education but at this point I still have 2 years left and am looking into a Masters Degree Program.

I ride too. I stopped on the weekends because i always drank instead and had a hangover in the mornings… now im riding more and getting back into some good shape.

Its away of life for me now wake up go to work with my sons we have a landscaping company still working hard at 65 ,my wife and i go cruising alot been most places in the world , ive been sober a long long time and AA meetings saved my life thats why i still go and speak at meetings and i sponsor as well never forget were i was and were ive came today AA not for everyone but it helps everyone have agood day

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So far, whenever I start feeling “off”, I picture someone I love in danger. It makes me feel ready to fight, and it gets rid of the off feeling for a while. I read the idea in a book somewhere.

Yea I missed out on many good weekends due to feeling like shit. My rides are so much better now, never realized how much it affected me until I started riding sober.

Tell me about it. When i raced, my gf (now wife) told me it might be a good idea to not drink the night before i raced. I never listened though.