When a friend doesn't get it



Good response!!


Ha! :joy: Excellent response

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That’s one good response yes! Curious, did she respond to it?

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He did, he said “Ohh yeah… a massive doobie then!”. :weary:

This guy really doesn’t get it, he once suggested I buy a small bottle of wine so I can’t drink as much. Weird thing is, he doesn’t drink because his stepfather is an abusive alcoholic.

Lmao…sorry…I just get the giggles when people really don’t get it. It’s this inappropriate laughter I use for dealing with difficult people and situations rather than get pissed over things I can’t control. I find everything funny these days.


Wow, that amount of ignorance is almost admirable.
&thanks for teaching me a new word haha, never heard of a doobie before :laughing:

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Lmfao awkwarrrrd.Ive been put in that situation before being sent drinking memes.
Sometimes you have to respond the way you did to get the message across.

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No matter how many times I tell friends I’m not drinking anymore, they still make comments about “earning our wine” after rough days of work or crazy nights w kiddos. Lol

At this point, it’s not worth my energy to try to make them understand. I just laugh it off and change the subject.


Alcohol ads have been using that exact advertisement, telling women “you earned it”.
Whether it be the business women or the fulltime mama, or a woman who does both, they make it seem as if its deserved.
You know what we deserve?a f-ing massage, or facial, pedicure, a nice walk on the beach, a mini vacation, time set aside to take a class that we enjoy. Not alcohol, alcohol is poisen not a reward.
Im not sure your friends would appreciate you saying that but I keep it in mind when friends say stuff like that.lol


I used to buy into the idea myself. Now I look at it totally different. It is amazing just how prevalent that message is everywhere!

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