When are you ready to sponsor others?

The most usual answer I’ve gotten is " When YOUR sponsor says you’re ready.

But Im really curious as to everyone’s take on this topic

My sponsor sends you off looking for potential sponsees after completing the 5th step with him.

Others who are actively sponsoring have told me its only after the 9th step is started that one is ready to take this step.

Others do it ASAP , or " when the fog begins to clear"

But the common denominator I’ve found that determines the difference as to when one is ready for this life saving task is how one interprets the 12th step.

Some adhere to the sequence in numbers so logically the 12th step should nominally be done after having in step 11.

But Ive noticed that the most common difference in the interpretation of step 12 derives the phrase " spiritual awakening "

But one thing is certain for me the big book never lies , specially when it says…

" PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics."

AA / Chapter 7 Working with Others


I was taught a sponsor is there to show us the steps they took to get sober (12 of them). Maybe why others suggest asking your sponsor what worked for them.

But because of that I usually suggest not sponsoring until finishing the steps with a sponsor at least. Can’t teach what we haven’t done!

There are many other ways to be of service to others while still working the steps though.


I started sponsoring when I went through all the steps. However, that doesn’t mean that I couldn’t be of service to others when I was still going through the steps


my sponsor says I have to complete my own 12 steps but I can pass on my experience of AA, recovery and the program at any point. I’m about to do step 5 but I still contact at least 2 newcomers everyday. We’re in this together.


this is my view, and it might not be well received, but often i feel we put a bit too much emphasis on going out and finding sponsees. i think it’s great to try and help others, obviously i encourage that, it’s perfectly acceptable in my mind to try and help without pushing sponsorship on any newcomer. i’m fortunate to live in an area with a huge aa community, and there are plenty of people with solid sobriety readily available to sponsor newcomers. though i see quite regularly folks with a little bit of sobriety (and often not that steady of sobriety) hounding newcomers to get them as sponsees. almost like some 13th step shit at times. and a number of times i’ve seen those sponsors end up going back out. in a way i feel they might have felt they had to go out and get a sponsee to click some type of aa box off, which to me is the wrong reason to go try and sponsor. my sponsor says “when the teacher is ready the student will appear” hah and i agree with that line of thinking much more than what seems to me to set out and try and impose my will on some newcomer and view them as some kind of statistic. seems ego based to me.

something i heard that i liked a lot is that just going to a meeting, maybe not even speaking, just physically being there is 12th step work. and i agree as it’s been mentioned there are plenty of other ways to be of service outside of sponsorship or even outside of aa.

but, i don’t know shit and i know a few guys who have decades of sobriety and said "i didn’t pick my sponsor, this guy just said “look i’m gonna sponsor you okay.” haha so, yea, i guess it works all sorts of ways hah.


I didnt look for guys they approached me ? maybe different in the states , when i got my late sponsor 33 years ago now he was 14 years sober and i liked what he had to say and offer so i asked him if hed be my sponsor , for me service work is important talking at prisons and hospitals .manning 24 hr phone help lines . if i was at a meeting and some guy approached a guy and said ill be your sponsor then i use a few swear words lol


I heard different things everywhere

I heard a minimum year experience
Someone who knows the 12 steps
Someone who is willing to sponsor you

To be honest the traditional sponsor/sponsee relationship does not interest me one bit, I get the concept some old wise sober man is to help you navigate your way through the halls of sobriety. Make sure you attend meetings give you homework etc.

I have zero interest in being a sponsor, if I see a newcomer hey I’ll welcome them if they need my number here it is, we should all be looking out for each other this is a fellowship.

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I’m looking for a sponcer please contact me (telephone number removed by moderators, a reminder not to post telephone numbers on the forum).

This is a public forum. I’d recommend removing your number.

As for a sponsor I’d recommend going to a meeting and asking for help. You’ll definitely find someone!

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It is awesome that you are looking for a sponsor. Be active here. Loads of help in the threads here. You wont find just a sponsor…you will find a community that will help you!