I believe footwork gets results and as long as as i am honestly rigorously working with my sponsor and staying connected to my higher power then results happen cause my higher power is constantly reveals his power when i do my part by working steps
You know what is right and in your heart u know your truth. Dont let other people sabotage what they dont understand. Stay strong and stay true to yourself and your beliefs. If they want to call it a pink cloud cool bananas for them. It irrelevant to the power of God revealed to you. Peace and strength to you!
Why can’t it be both? The pink cloud is what your higher power has given you as a result of working the program.
Oh the Pink cloud. I don’t use that term. It pissed me off and it pisses most newcomers off. Feeling good for the first time in a long time should not be put down.
I had it explained to me like this. It’s okay to feel good. That’s the whole point. But we just need to remember that it won’t always be this way. This is just a feeling. But the bad will come. It always does. And THAT is when our program really gets to work.
So ride cloud. Cuz yes, it is your higher power that got you here. And it will be your higher power that helps you when it gets cloudy
Someone else on here mentioned the pink cloud syndrome. The day after I quit (few days ago) and joined this app, I saw the most insane pink sunset with a pink rainbow and posted about it on here, never hearing about the “pink cloud”. Kinda funny but I really did look at it as a positive sign. Still do
Th a nk yaw
i dont think it was flagged, i just think the original poster had it unlisted on accident. All is well.
Couldn’t agree more, @Gabe.G! After feeling so low for so long, I’ll celebrate just about anything that keeps me sober and helps me feel good about the world again.
Pink cloud, honeymoon phase, it goes by different names. It’s awesome! It’s a reward for doing what we should.
As mentioned it does not last forever but it does last long enough for us to feel it and want it! Once we have that feeling we know we can live without our DOC.
I also agree NEVER minimize the experience to a new person.
My thoughts for what they are worth.
Good to know.