When is it okay to go out again?

Ive only been sober for 2 and a half days. I wasnt planning on going out anytime soon (pretty much anywhere there is alcohol served.). I just wanted some advice and or personal recommendations. Thanks!

It’s okay to go out whenever you feel like it. As long as you are being mindful about staying true to abstaining from alcohol while out. I know for me it’s usually my step mom who I find it the hardest to say no around and family. I just try and tell myself before hand to stick with water. Especially because I’d like to get back in shape and I remind myself alcohol won’t help that. Sometimes it’s easier to avoid a drink than others.


I personally had to start going out slowly, after identifying my triggers to drink and addressing them specifically (e.g. I drink when I feel socially isolated, so make sure I know people there–I drink when I’m hungry, so make sure I eat first or know where food will be served–I drink when I’m tired, so take a nap first). That way I can choose lower-risk nights out and maybe tackle the higher-risk ones once I’m a bit more confident in my sobriety.


Yea, i definitely dont’t think im ready yet. Its too tempting. I think ill just stick to being a hermit for a while lol

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We live in a big city and between work and social commitments there really was no break from going out for me. I DIDstop going into pubs alone though, and only did so just this Saturday because I know the owner and I knew he’d be cool with my decision… he even made me a kick ass mocktail!

It’s a personal decision and only you know what’s safe. My suggestion is go in with a friend who supports your new lifestyle and won’t let you slip, then gauge how it feels!


Awesome advice! I really like the idea of mocktails! I bet they taste a hell of alot better than regular alcoholic drinks anyways lol


I like to give my bartender a code name for my drinks. I stick with the same bars and restaurants so they know me from before. Now JD (my bartenders name) knows a JD Spritz on the rocks is just a soda water and lime with a cherry served in a whiskey glass. It took the “pressure” of sitting at a bar (which I love to do) and not drinking away (for me!) :smile:


Basically for the first few times, go out places that don’t serve/involve alcohol


That sounds like a perfect idea for when im ready because i like to sit in bars and socialize.

Those places are hard to come by now a days.

Depends on where you live. Around me there are many places to eat that don’t serve alcohol. And my activities that I like are going to thw gun range (obviously no alcohol), mountain biking, hiking, fishing (no longer allow alcohol on my boat), things of that nature

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I went out the same day I chose to begin living sober. Now, I live in a resort town where my boyfriend is a full time drummer so is really don’t have a choice (Obviously, I can choose not to go and I don’t go to every single gig but I got to about 80/90% of them). Sometimes its more difficult than words can say, other times I’m ok but it’s completely up to you. You have to be honest with yourself and assess your level of comfort with going out. Don’t let anyone pressure you to go out if you’re not ready.


Thanks! I think its best for me to stay in for a while. I just have this strong feeling ill give in if im around it. It feels like ill never be ready (which is discouraging.)

Thanks for the support. I really need it!

Like @Oliverjava said…It takes time. Don’t rush yourself or let others pressure you. Only you will know when you feel comfortable going out. Also, if you do go out, no one says you have to stay. You can always go out for a bit and leave whenever yu start feeling uncomfortable or if you just have had enough. My Boyfriend’s gig ended around 9 pm Sunday night and we always have gone out to around ways mother bar afterwards but this time, he packed up and said why don’t we just go home and watch a movie. It was perfect. I was out during his gig but then we just went home after. Just remember this is all on your terms and you schedule. You do whatever you feel comfortable with. Remember we are here for you :slight_smile: