When you look at me you see an addict

When you look at me, you see an addict,
A journey to darkness, where I nearly sank,
But let me share my tale of recovery,
Of how my spirit rose, as from the lowest rank.

Once lost in shadows and a haze of despair,
My eyes vacant, hollow, reflecting pain,
Every step a struggle in a torturous state,
But in the depths of my soul, a flicker remained.

I walked through the fire, braving the storm,
Through nights of longing, every demon fought,
With each step forward, my strength was reborn,
From the ashes of addiction, a new life I sought.

When you look at me, now see resilience,
A survivor, scars etched deep within my soul,
For I have faced the darkness, embraced the pain,
And found solace in mending what was once a broken whole.

In the rooms of recovery, I sought healing,
Every tear shed a testament to my will,
A community of kindred spirits standing beside,
Together we rose, breaking addiction’s chill.

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months,
As the haze lifted, clarity came in view,
With every step taken, I rebuilt my life,
Clean and sober, my spirit was renewed.

Through introspection and self-discovery,
I dove deep into the depths of my own truth,
Rediscovering passions I thought long gone,
A testament to my spirit’s eternal youth.

So when you look at me, see the transformation,
A phoenix rising from ashes once laid bare,
The addict I once was, but am no longer,
A testament to the strength in us all to repair.

For recovery is a journey, never truly complete,
Each day a new chance to grow and redeem,
So let my story be a beacon of hope,
That even in darkness, a brighter dawn can gleam.

When you look at me, still see an addict,
But know that I am so much more,
For I am a warrior, with a spirit undefeated,
A survivor of addiction’s mighty roar.


Beautiful testimony!! Thanks for sharing

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