Well I had a friend that I thought was my friend but I guess not
Well I had a quite a night the other night
Me winding up in the ER to get checked out because I had a friend that I thought we where cool but I guess not all because of a stupid rumor that one of his friends told me about because it involved me because he was drunk and he was talking shit about me me supposedly right because that’s what rumors do they gust create drama
Drama that I gust don’t want anything to do with but we’ll look at me now I’m in it and I wish I was out of it because I gust don’t want to do it anymore
I want my friend back because that was gust not him I now it wasn’t but at the sametime my own husband said he new him sentence 3 years now and then he did what he did my own husband had to get him away from me because he gust want on coming for me so much so I had to call the cops on him I didn’t want to but it was him or me you now so I did
Because thing is he hurt me mentally and financially and thing is I gust don’t now what to feel my husband said to me let it go gust enough to be happy but how do you let someone go like this you now
Because he was my friend going on some stupid rampage on me because of one of his friends telling him that I was talking shit about him but thing is I didn’t I wouldn’t do that kinda thing because I’m not that kinda person but you now how it is when your dead ass drunk and people tell you that people are talking shit about you well Yha your going to rage at some point and now I’m not saying I forgive him or I understand stand why he did what he did
But you now I’m fine thankfully but at the same time to be honest I could so yous a drink or gust something that will num the pain mentally and financially because I gust can’t understand everything at this point and probably i never will who nows I gust I guess want everything to stop but thing is it will never will because that’s life
So I guess I have to keep my head up even though life is kinda shitey for me right now
So thank you for reading I hope you guys can understand that I gust needed to you now vent a little because truth is I’m pretty much dying in side because I gust don’t you now talk about my feelings at all so I appreciate all of you for taking the time to read and listen to all of my shit so I hope all of you guys have an amazing day talk sometime soon