When your new sober outlook rubs off on those close to you

Exactly that really…im finding this is becoming apparent now…ive always had a really complicated and difficult relationship with my mother all my life but since i got sober things have improved greatly…i accepted a long time ago that we are such different people that we will probably never see eye to eye on many things but thats ok…we were in such a bad place when i was drinking i thougt it could never be repaired…a few significant things have happened since i got sober but only recently (im almost 8 months) so its taken a little time…the first thing she said around a month ago was that she’d seen someone on tv talking about being alcoholic and that maybe she had been wrong in her tough love approach toward me when i was drinking…then last week she was telling me about a convo she had with my brother about me and how she had been telling him how id gone about sorting out my own mental health, began sorting out my finances and how i have searched out a community of people (this site) to help me with my addiction and that she could see that id done this by myself and she felt she had her daughter back…yesterday she rang me asking me advice on how she could get herself a bit happier and opened up about all sorts of things shes struggling with…i told her make a list of things that make you happy and go do them more…to not think, just do…half an hour later she calls me to tell me shes joined the gym and starts on monday! This might all sound trivial but to me it all means so much :blush:


Wow this is amazing and moving. Thank you for sharing. I’m almost to a month and this really gives me so much hope. Thank you again

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Thank you Leslie im so happy this gives you hope…ive found as you go along the sobriety path some great things unfold if you just keep the faith that things will get better because they absolutely do, well done on your sober time…the early days are the hardest in my opinion so thats huge, my love to you :blush: :heart:


Well thank you. I have more to look forward to now and I’m glad i joined this community ( this app) today because I’ve been struggling with hope. But i see there so many wonderful and encouraging people on this app. Thank you again🙏


That’s really wonderful. It would make me happy as well. Thank you for sharing! :heart:

@MRPAC0TAC0 welcome here! Have a good look around, stay connected, post regularly and recovery things will rub off on you as well!

Here are some resources to get you started: Resources for our recovery



Thanks @Faugxh, my mother is old school, she doesnt apologise or say shes proud very often but i saw both of those things masked up in what she said and it meant alot


I’ve not heard either from my mother in my life. It would mean the world to me to feel that in her. Therefore I’m extremely happy for you! Enjoy this moment in your relationship. :slight_smile:

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Thank you I’ll start to look into these resources soon. I appreciate it alot.


Not trivial at all! That is wonderful that your mother could see and appreciate the change in you, and on top of that that you could help her! :purple_heart:

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She would get so angry with me when i was drinking but she has admitted that its because she didnt know how to help me, really all i needed was a hug at the time, basically i felt like i had to fight her aswell as the addiction at the time, when she gets upset she gets angry…i know now that it is because she does love me but didnt know what to do, it still hurts that she wouldnt even try to understand and actually voiced that but hey ho we will probably never fully understand each other but il take this as it is

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But at least you are talking about not understanding each other! That is progress of a sort, I think.

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Yes, definately.

Oh wow!! Not trivial at all. This is really nice to hear and I am happy for you both. I know familial relationships are complicated. When we take out the substance, we can become more real and heal and if we work at it and others are open to it, our healing can expand out to our relationships. Your Mom being vulnerable and open is a wonderful thing.

It helps me a lot to remember that like myself, my Mom (and everyone) is doing their best with the tools they have at the time. We are all muddling thru.

Glad you are in that place of compassion together. :people_hugging:

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This is not trivial. It’s huge and beautiful and fuel for continuing your great work. :two_hearts: