Just need someone to talk to.
41 years old, and up until 4 or 5 years ago I never had a problem with alcohol. I do come from a long line of addicts though.
I just came off a 2 day bender (alcohol).
This has become my normal.
A few times a month I’ll drink heavily for days in a row.
I hate it.
I hate myself right now.
I feel like shit, because my anxiety is super high from all the booze and now being sober.
I have no friends.
My partner is pissed at me.
My kids are pissed at me.
I don’t want to do this anymore.
I’ve tried to get help.
I’ve gone to meetings.
I’ve gone to outpatient centers.
Nothing is fucking working.
Welcome to the forum! Youve come to the right place. I completely get what ur saying. At the end of my using “career” i was also feeling very much the same way. The shame and guilt and disgust and worry and anxiety consumed me. I hated who i was. Couldnt stand being in my own skin. Couldnt trust myself to stay clean and sober. But it doesnt have to be this way. You deserve a sober life and u can get it!
This forum has changed my life for the better! Along with 12 step mtgs and making changes to my everyday living, i have learned to cope with emotions and situations without picking up drugs. I hope u find this forum very useful. LOTS of amazing people here and great suggestions to follow
So glad you’re here! There is help from the obsession and the insanity. Here’s what it took for me after 8 yrs of near daily drunkenness and bullshitting 2 outpatient programs, jail x 2 for drunken choices and a medical board telling me to go get some help. I hated me too and drove everywhere drunk without a seatbelt hoping to find a tree. I was out of ideas on how to stop or the will to do shit differently. Then I asked to attend inpatient treatment, be with others who wanted to stop and stayed for 3 months.
First, I had to let go of the past and not beat myself up about losses in all respects & all the other shittery I had done while fucked up, trying to get lit or upon learning of some shit I did while…
Second, I grew to understand what life is worth by listening to others who have my disease too. I saw I was just like them. They suggested some steps to teach me to live life differently. That helped get me more focused on what I wanted for me.
Third, I try daily to help others like me, so I stay out of me & my head.
This is what worked for me. AA is a good and proven program, others are out there but regardless of what you find that works, just stick with it day by day.
Lastly, I will simply send big hugs to you and I do hope you are done with the insanity.
Welcome! This is a great forum. I can relate to the shame and guilt. Waking up after a night of drinking to find the drunk texts and emails I had sent out the night before. Breaking an ankle and then years later my foot wasn’t enough to stop. There is always support here and someone to help.
Thank you all for the kind words of solidarity and encouragement.
Things are a mess
I am a mess, but I’m ready to make a difference in my life and the lives around me.
I want to be better and I’m ready to fully admit that I have a problem
Part of me wishes I could handle doing an impatient program somewhere, but for me it’s just not plausible.
I just want to be a better version of myself
For my kids and for me.
I found out if i didnt work it then it didnt work , sometimes we have to do things we dont want to hopefully your find something that will work for you wish you well