Where is my sponsor?

I know, I have to be ready for a sponsor to accept me. Show my will and strength, determination. Its not at all easy for one to get a sponsor for this. I understand of course.
On the other hand, where I live, I don’t have many choices, in fact, no choice at all. We are a few here and Im not sure if I want to share everything with someone who we have many mutual people. I know the value of being open to heal, but its not at all easy for me to trust. What to do, where to go?

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It’s a tough one I see these threads about sponsors pop up daily it’s a topic I find helpful,I myself have started going to meetings,also these are small meetings I think there around 5/6 women including me on diffrent weeks,ATM I’m just getting myself in the rooms and comfortable with the environment I’m in but at all time and looking and listening to what these women have to say,how they come across how they deal with there recovery and life away from there doc,for me I know I don’t need to fully trust so.eone but someone that has similarities,someone that will tell me how it is but also give advice on a better way someone that isn’t Gona judge ,so I’m being patient and sitting back and I will hopefully know when the time comes.xi hope you find your sponsor but please be patient

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Thank you, yeah I guess thats what I got to do. Sit back and focus on my shit instead of crying for a sponsor. Being judged and especially exposed in a such small town is not anything I want, although I am exposed and kind of known with my bad habits here.
I accept that I’m alone in this and yes, got to be patient.

If your in a fellowship your far from alone you just need to let yourself be just be no more no less.you can go nobody’s expecting you to share your darkest deepest thoughts and feelings,just chatting about every day life and struggles or joys in recovery is ok.be patient keep going and as I’ve learnt things have away of working there self out.havw fairh in your recovery.x

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Thank you @Lilemm, thats what I must do, you’re right. I am holding on to my little practices, I believe I can do it, I am doing it.
Thank you x

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Your doing the right thing your heading in the right direction keep on keeping on.

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Do the right things and the right things will happen easy does it wish you well


Thank you so much

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Hi, yeah thats the plan. I started to go to aa meetings last week. Twice a week. Now decided to attend the NA meetings too. Thats all I can do for now. I feel so low and on the edge. Its dark and cold in here… thanks a lot for your support

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Good question I feel the same way with trust and all. I’m told get a sponsor but I’m kinda not ready I’m hoping it will happen when it’s meant to happen if that makes sense.

Travel to a meeting in a different area try look for one. Get a temporary one in the mean time. You need to be honest with your sponsor but you don’t have to tell them everything