Chilling on a sunny sunday
Does B have two different colored eyes and I am just noticing? Heterochromia kitty!
Oooh- just noticed that now…
So very cool! Id be mesmerized all day
Yes. And yes
That particular pic is a good one to see that.
And she’s already destroyed/jammed one printer. It’s a real pain to have to run up stairs to beat the cat to the printer before she gets her paws in there But so much fun.
If she’s ever hiding I just start a copy and she comes running. It’s her kryptonite
Oh my…im laughing here…i can just see her chasing after the next print job!
Such Beautiful eyes
She’s a hoot
You should see her when the window washer guys show up. She goes room to room inside while they do the outside and she follows the squeegee up and down. They guys get a kick out of her. Who needs tv?
Aw man thats precious— id get a kick out of that too…this is what im envisioning - you have a little helper
That is very funny because my guys are the same, they run to the printer when it starts printing. We thought they loved it because it was warm when they were little maybe. I’ve re-named our printer Mother.
So ok— i googled “pets love the printer printing” to see if i could find a funny meme …why is it that all yhe images were of cats on printers?..
Ok- calling the printer Mother 8s giving me chuckles …thanks for that
I’m late to the dental convo. Dozzie had to have a top canine pulled recently so I just bought toothpaste and a brush! First attempt, he was interested in the toothpaste but freaked when I put him on my lap and tried to do it. Second time went better when I did NOT put him on my lap!
Here too, especially the big red furball. When I need the youngsters to get out of the office I start the printer downstairs
That is crazy, Eric! Glad it works to locate her!! This is funny that so many cats do it. I have a friend outside Vancouver and her grandcat does that! Sits on the printer when it is running!
Here is my kitty two months after she was told she was dying ( she lost two pounds from Jan to April ) and other stuff… anyway she seems happy and is doing great! Sometimes I give her a low dose people antidepressant ( formulated for cats) to stimulate her appetite.
She loves her strawberry box!
She is beautiful
She’s looking great
Way to go mom
I tossed some cleaning rags/towels to the side when folding laundry since I was just going to use them later to clean, but now I clearly can’t clean. It is a sign from the cat gods telling me I need to take it easy.
Your right. But it sounds premeditated
You didn’t want to clean.